Is this true or some myth?

DK cooper17.spamless at xs4all.nl
Mon Jan 18 08:46:56 EST 1999

This reminds me of the studies in which marijuana smoke (in insane
quantities) was pumped into boxes with monkeys in them. The monkeys died--of
carbon monoxide poisoning. Guess what got the bad rap? It sure wasn't the
carbon monoxide.

>Aspartame is a methyl ester of a dipeptide,and so can metabolize into
>methanol.   However, one can (12 oz = 355 ml) of non-diet soft drink
>usually has something less than 40 g of sugar.  Since Aspartame is
>about 160 times as sweet as sugar, the same diet drink would have
>something less than 250 mg of Aspartame (the exact amount is not
>revealed on the label). This amount would metabolize to about 25 mg
>of methanol, perhaps 1/2 drop.  The lethal amount is ordinaly over
>25 g.  I have seen estimates that intestinal bacteria normally produce
>more methanol than this each day in their wastes.  These wastes
>are absorbed into our bodies and are readily dealt with.

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