Is this true or some myth?

Eugene Leitl eugene.leitl at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Sun Jan 17 07:47:48 EST 1999

Paul Rosete writes:
 > Afriend sent me this after receiving it through some chain e-mail she
 > usually gets at the office. She decided to send it to me due to my
 > fondness for Diet Coke. It sounds far fetched to me and, perhaps, may
 > even be some type of urban myth or legend that rears itself every few
 > years. Does anyone know whether it is true or, at least, based on any
 > vaild premise?

Better ask Betty Martini about it. She's the world-leading expert in
antiaspartame chain letters.


P.S. Don't look for sarcasm tags, they're rendered in an invisible font.

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