Is this true or some myth?

Richard Norman rsnorman at mw.mediaone.net
Sun Jan 17 10:12:59 EST 1999

I apologize for my rudeness in misinterpreting your post.
I was reacting to a history of problems which were no fault
of yours.

However, the post that you forwarded is an example of the
overblown rhethoric often promulgated by the anti-aspartame
people.  I wrongly responded to that, rather than to your

Although the tone of my response was inappropriate, at least
I did try to include some factual information on the situation --
yes aspartame does "contain" methanol, but not very much.

>It was just a question; don't know why you interpreted it as a flame.
>Being new to the 'net, I guess I don't yet have the knack for writing
>posts so that readers like you don't interpret them as flames.
>In my post I said I have a _fondness_ for Diet Cokes (this being the
>reason why my friend sent me a copy of her office e-mail). I'm not sure
>why you interpreted this as not liking "the stuff."  As for hysteria,
>again, how could I have worded my general question without referencing
>article? I believe I indicated that I was skeptical about its claim and
>wanted to get some opinions from those who were versed in this issue,
>at least, had some knowledge about it.
>Next time, ignore my posts...or at least read them correctly.
>Paul Rosete <prosete at mindspring.com>

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