In article <77o1g7$m39$1 at>,
PaulB67052 at wrote:
> Looks aside, At First Sight is intelligent, interesting CURTIS MORGAN Herald
> Staff Writer A blind man, a sensitive massage therapist who just happens to
> be a blond hunk, falls in love with a sexy but emotionally unfulfilled
> architect and undergoes risky surgery to give him vision.
>> The real miracle of At First Sight isn't that the operation works but that
> things don't descend into movie-of-the-week mawkishness or float away in
> romantic frivolity.
>> The plot oozes odious potential. But somewhere along the way, At First Sight
> actually turns intelligent and interesting. If a few flaws prevent it from
> being as moving as it might have been, it's still a pleasant surprise.
>> Based on a true story by physician-writer Oliver Sacks, At First Sight
> focuses on Virgil Adamson (Val Kilmer), who seems content with his life
> working at a quiet Upstate New York resort. Blind almost since birth, he's
> developed his other senses, including a marvelous touch with massage, which
> seems to melt the big-city stress of client Amy Benic (Mira Sorvino).
>> Smitten, Amy talks Virgil into coming to New York with her and undergoing
> experimental surgery, despite the objections of his protective sister, Jennie
> (Kelly McGillis).
>> The surgery seems successful, but there are unexpected effects. Rather than a
> blessing, sight is a constant shock to Virgil. Everything is strange and new
> -- including, in the finest scene -- his own image in a mirror. Baffled, he
> studies it and says hello before he understands what he's really seeing.
> Virgil's difficulties soon strain his relationship with Amy.
For your interest...
"How a 20th Century eye operation shows the Bethsaida miracle actually
happened" by Keith Mano:
David Buckna
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