Warm blooded?

Richard Sargent dsargent at ix.netcom.com
Fri Jan 15 18:48:25 EST 1999

My personal blood temperature has always been quite low.  Normal
temperature for me has been 97.2 degrees Fahrenheit, over a degree from
'normal'.  at a checkup at the doctor's today, my measured temperature
was 96.2 degrees (-2 1/2 deg!), "Guess you don't have a fever" says the
nurse.  While I don't feel really 'chilled' in any way, I am wondering
if having consistent low blood temperature can be harmful.  Should I
wear more clothes or turn the heat up in the house?  I realize that I'm
not a lizard so the prior two actions might be ineffective, I'm just
slightly concerned.

Peter L. Sargent

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