"Lyster E. Wick Jr." <lwickjr at i2k.com> wrote on 13 Jan 1999:
>>On 13-Jan-99 23:25:31 his time, Mentifex (mentifex at scn.org) posted the material
> quoted below:
>> M> As Amiga Mind.forth AI nears completion (of its first "quickening,"
> M> that is), anyone doing robotics on the Amiga might like to become an
> M> early adopter of Mind.forth. Right now the not-yet-finished but
> M> growing source code is only available as ASCII text files at
>> M> http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html Mind.forth,
>> M> but once the program "quickens" by running its mind-loops with or
> M> without human input, then I (Arthur Ted) intend to distribute the
> M> object code, probably via any Amiga BBS still running in Seattle. Both
> M> Mind.forth and the (Amiga Library Disk #977) Forth it runs on will be
> M> free, with no knowledge of Forth necessary to run Mind.forth, as one
> M> simply clicks on the Forth icon and issues a few load commands.
>> M> Meanwhile my intensive campaign is going full tilt in search of AI
> M> hackers and intrepid programmers who will please take their pick:
>>[..URL list..]
>>You're the gent who posted the utterly uninteligable but very intrigueing
>message on a similar topic? I wish I had some idea what the heck you're
>trying to DO. Your previous post was so cryptic I couldn't make out
>anything useful. The diagram, in particular, was useless: It was clearly
>intended to explain the following text, but itself needed an explanitory
>text The text you did include, while very interesting, was obviously
>incomplete on several different levels, being both totaly useless for
>coding anything at all and containing several headers for follow-up
>sections that contained no text at all.
^^^^^^^ Oh! That was the "Art of Computer
Mindmaking" at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/acm.html .
A few headers at the end are empty to indicate that they are coming.
>>1. What version of FORTH is this coded for? MVP-FORTH? I've already got it.
On Amiga public domain ("Fred Fish") Library Disk No. 977, it is the
Forth with the icon named simply "Forth," and not the companion icon
labeled "MVP-Forth," although they are both of Mountain View Press.
>2. Does it run under JForth? I've got that too, but the documentation is in
>an unreadable format, though it is _far_ more capable than MVP-FORTH is,
>from what I can tell.
It would have to be recoded for JForth. I have Multi-Forth, but I
am using the Fish 977 Forth because it is simple and primitive and
free for all Amiga users.
>3. What the <DELETED_EXPLETIVE> is your original post trying to say?
I am trying to say that, if my AI algorithm is good, then any
programmer in any viable (i.e, has arrays, has keyboard entry)
language can build up the AI software from scratch by following
the steps at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/acm.html .
>4. Is the information on your website more useful than that in your
>previous post? [I've got it on my to-visit list, but I do very LITTLE
>web-browsing, preferring to do my Internet stuff off-line thanks to Miami's
>built-in hour limit, which I happen to find convenient, thanks to my ISP's
>habit of billing me monthly.]
Well, the website information is more voluminous, since it is the
entire source code as an ASCII file, with Comment sub-pages.
Probably you shout wait, stay tuned here, and see if the AI
actually works before you invest time and energy in coding it.
>See ya on the Bit Stream! The Hungry Hacker.
>>* Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
Today's work on Mind.forth has been to set up a BOOTSTRAP of words:
"Hello, I am Andru." a hello please
"Please stop if you am how robot
can see or hear me." Andru I see
are if stop
"Thanks. Who are you?" can know thanks
"How do we know that cyborgs make that conj.
"you are not a robot?" do me what
eat not who
"Cyborgs make food." food or why
"What do people eat?" hear people you
/^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\
/visual memory\ _________ / auditory \
| /--------|---------\ / LANG-UK \ | memory |
| | recog-|nition | \_________/---|-------------\ |
| ___|___ | | flush-vector| | ________ | |
| /image \ | ____V_ ____V__ | / \ | |
| / percept \ | /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ } \| |
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes / |
| \_______/ | \________/ \_________/ | \________/ |