I do not know Epstein personally or by reputation (which means nothing,
because I know very few neurosurgeons). Have you heard of him
specifically in connection with aneurysm repair? or in connection with
vertebral artery work?
Perhaps Beth Israel has a web site you could use to contact him or
learn something about his specialty.
A Medline search for articles on aneurysm repair might give you leads
as to what neurosurgeons and what hospitals do a lot of this. Are
there none in the Netherlands?!
If looking in New York City especially, consider also Cornell-NY
Hospital (now affiliated with Columbia-Presbyterian), and Mt. Sinai
(now affiliated with New York University Med. Ctr.).
F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group
In <916344009.20599.0.muttley.d4ee27c8 at news.demon.nl> "Jan"
<jan at schel.demon.nl> writes:
>>Does anybody know something about Doctor Fred Epstein from New York?
>operates on brains, mostly by kid's, in "Beth Israel Medical Center
>My neighbour is 40 year, male and had a major problem. I don't know
how to
>discibe it in English but the some terms are:
>"Arteria Vertebralis" and "Aneurysma". Anybody who knows what these
>mean knows how serious this is! We do not want to know what is
>with him, unfortunally we know that already. We want to come in
contact with
>those who can tell us something about Doctor Epstein and how to reach
him or
>how to reach an other speciallist.
>Please reply to: henk at schel.demon.nl>Kind regards
>Jan Schellekens
>The Netherlands
>jan at schel.demon.nl>http://www.schel.demon.nl>>