help for a career project

VBK el_boca_vista at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 15 00:26:08 EST 1999

If a neurosurgeon has time can they complete this outline...I appreciate it.
If possible please email it back to me at el_boca_vista at hotmail.com

I. Job description

11. Preparation and training
A. Courses in high school

B. Additional training

C. Cost of training

D. Time required for training
III.  Working conditions
A. Workplace

B. Hazards

IV. Major demands and responsibilities

V. Personal qualifications

A. Personality type

B. Physical requirements
VI. Compensations and expenditures
 A. Salaries
1. Beginning salary

2. Potential salary
B. Fringe benefits

C. Expenses

VII.  Prospects and opportunities

A. Job market

B. Advancement opportunities

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