Aneurysma".  Arteria Vertebralis

Jan jan at schel.demon.nl
Thu Jan 14 14:57:40 EST 1999

Does anybody know something about Doctor Fred Epstein from New York? He
operates on brains, mostly by kid's, in "Beth Israel Medical Center New
My neighbour is 40 year, male and had a major problem. I don't know how to
discibe it in English but the some terms are:
"Arteria Vertebralis" and "Aneurysma".  Anybody who knows what these terms
mean knows how serious this is! We do not want to know what is happening
with him, unfortunally we know that already. We want to come in contact with
those who can tell us something about Doctor Epstein and how to reach him or
how to reach an other speciallist.
Please reply to: henk at schel.demon.nl
Kind regards
Jan Schellekens
The Netherlands
jan at schel.demon.nl

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