
Hao Chen chenhao at pilot.msu.edu
Thu Jan 14 16:50:34 EST 1999

      Invitation to Psychoneuroimmunology Discussion List

                     PNILIST at LIST.MSU.EDU

PNILIST at LIST.MSU.EDU is a moderated discussion list dedicated to
discussions about the scientific research of interrelationships among
behavioral, neural, endocrine and immune processes. Anyone who wishes
to share personal insights, laboratory findings, clinical
implications, philosophical considerations, or other related
information is invited to contribute.

This list does not intend to become a patient support group. Nor does
this list intend to focus on purely philosophical discussions about
mind-body relationship or the entity of consciousness. 

Beside discussions initiated from subscribers, a monthly journal club
via this list is also under consideration. Any suggestion about how
this list should function is sincerely welcomed.

A web archive of this list is availabe at 

To subscribe:
Send your email to listserv at list.msu.edu
The body of the message should be:

	subscribe pnilist Your_Full_Name

For any other questions, please contact list owner:
Hao Chen (chenhao at pilot.msu.edu)

Hao Chen

Ph.D. Candidate                       Phone: 517 353 8864 (office)
Department of Anatomy        B516 W. Fee Hall
Michigan State University     East Lansing MI, 48824 USA
Website: http://www.msu.edu/~chenhao

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