Don P. wrote:
> Richard Sargent wrote:
>> > ZPE seems to be in defiance of what is earthly and that which obeys the
'laws' and
> > generalizations postulated and tested by humans throughout this age of
> > development.
>> In defiance of the *known* or *disclosed*'laws' yes.
>> In light of this, the "comes from nowhere" or "just because" explaination
> regarding where the 'virtual photon cloud' comes from that surrounds
> an induced charge, is not "obeying" any law that I know of, and is not
> an acceptable explaination by any means.
It's just an ad hoc hypothesis, and a tenuous one. Theories need to be
expounded, details
set forth yet there is no comparable phenomenon.
> The qauntum vacuum fluctuations/ZPE (or whatever) explaination of
> where these 'virtual photons' comes from, in my eyes just another term
> for the Aether that permeates all of space.
> In a sense the ZPE/Aether is not in defiance with earthly laws, without
> it there may not be what we call 'charge', among *many* other things.
Only a supposed effect. The ZPE/ Aether phenomenon seems like an intrinsic
of space-time separate from other opposable forces like the four fundamentals
(see Re:
"Help" Sun 23:09) due to 'absence of any heat', possibly a physics behavior
that hasn't
been catalogued. Perhaps energy flourishes in any setting, breaking rules that
have been
declared in order to describe the observable universe.
> > Getting something for nothing is a difficult thing to conceptualize.
>> Only semantically.
Semantics is the only way I meant it too. As I mentioned, it doesn't seem to be
phenomenon that can be classified with other known space-time 'conduct'. You
that part of your research is along these lines.
> Is there really such a thing as *no thing* in spacetime.
That's true. The ambient space is occupied by a mixture of different gases
while other
space is filled by other fluids or forms of matter, while, if we talk about
empty space which we can find in a vacuum, the general opinion is there is *no
there, possibly an incorrect supposition, because humans assume there's nothing
there only
because they have no means of detecting any presence.
Don wrote:
As far as I am concerned my solar calculator gets something for nothing.Of
course I realize
that just because I cannot SEE the photons, does not implythat *no thing* is
being used to
power my calculator.
We can't see photons? Can we see molecules? Well, not technically speaking,
but a solar
powered (or photon-powered) calculator makes use of so many photons that we DO
see the
photons when there are enough to facilitate operation. I cannot think of an
analogy immediately, but I'll give it some thought.
> Why can't we say the same about the ZPE/Aether? Just because modern
> science has not publicly quantized the substance that IS the ZPE/Aether,
> does not mean that it is *no thing*. It obviously is *some thing*.
> The day may come when pocket calculators are powered by the ZPE/Aether,
> *similar* to the solar calculator today.
I think if the means by which to harness this energy is discovered, way of life
change drastically. The conversion might be slow at first, but engineers would
make ZPE
applications with great celerity. How could you say that this technology
possibly already
exists and existed in the past?
Don wrote:
Maybe this technology already exists.Maybe this technology has existed for 50
or more
years. To suggest that it will NEVER exist, is in my opinion a poor
There is no asymptotic limit to human accomplishment. The means to use this
energy source will be discovered, perhaps before long.
> I do not consider the ZPE/Aether as "nothing".
>> > But perhaps there may very well be a cost, [when the means necessary to
unleash this
> > ubiquitous energy source is discovered.]
>> Maybe, maybe not. This IS where the fun is!! ;)
> I have seen many theories of the ZPE/Aether at the web site (and
> that I posted previously. I have read of accounts of utilizing the ZPE/Aether
> as a fuel source,
I know NASA has research teams looking for new theoretical energy sources that
provide ever
more energy to power boosters like the magnetic field hydrogen scoop and other
ideas. I'm
sure they're trying to solve the zero point energy riddle fervently. Do you
have any
knowledge of their progress?
> but all are very much out of the main stream of science and
> not recognized as *real* science. I might add that most (if not all) are NOT
> put up for inspection,
why the secrecy in research? Is there genuine research proceeding now? Not
accessible you said; that's OK, the discovery is inevitable. We need only wait
interested observers).
Thank you ,
Peter L. Sargent