In article <77jjgl$hap at>, flefever at
Frank LeFever) wrote:
> I'm glad you stuck around long enough to get that full and precise
> answer. I tried to email you a suggestion that you not give up on the
> newsgroup, but it bounced back (didn't notice the "ruby" in your true
> address).
>> "mostly in the peripheral nervous system"? Maybe, but there is a lot of
> interest in its CNS effects also--cf. several of the SFN papers I
> alluded to.
>> F. LeFever
>>>> In <Pine.HPP.3.96.990113115230.809A-100000 at>
> <ricyoung at> writes:
> >
> >Somebody who reads this thread (Kevin) did have an easy answer to my
> >question, with reference. I guessed somebody here might. A med school
> >studen had asked me if pig CCK would be antigenic if administered to
> >humans. I have some immunology background so... CCK is neuroactive,
> >although mostly in the peripheral nervous system so I thought I would
> ask
> >here.
> >Andy Young
> >ricyoung at> >
There have been 38 papers in JN since 1982 so it's not that off topic!