Z.P.E. definition (condensed)

Gene Douglas genedoug at prodigy.net
Wed Jan 13 19:41:33 EST 1999

Hey, you guys, go away!  This is a psychology group!

Don P. wrote in message <369CE4FC.2FD26FA9 at juno.com>...
 |Richard Sargent wrote:
 |> ZPE seems to be in defiance of what is earthly and that which
obeys the 'laws' and
 |> generalizations postulated and tested by humans throughout this
age of technological
 |> development.
 |   True, to an extent. In defiance of the *known*  or
*disclosed*'laws' yes.  Let's not
 |forget that before the  infamous MM's Null experiment,
 |that many believed that an 'aether' (whatever that may be) permeated
 |all of space.  Even after MM's Null experiment, many still believed
 |existed an aether, including Michelson himself.
 |  In light of this, the "comes from nowhere" or "just because"
 |regarding  where the 'virtual photon cloud' comes from that
 |an induced charge, is not "obeying"  any law that I know of, and is
 |an acceptable explaination by any means.
 |  The qauntum vacuum fluctuations/ZPE (or whatever)  explaination of
 |where these 'virtual photons' comes from, in my eyes just another
 |for the Aether that permeates all of space.
 |  In a sense the ZPE/Aether is not in defiance with earthly laws,
 |it there may not be what we call 'charge', among *many* other
 |> Getting something for nothing is a difficult thing to
 |   Only semantically.  Is there really such a thing as *no thing* in
spacetime.As far
 |as I am concerned my solar calculator gets something for nothing.
 |Of course I realize that just because I cannot SEE the photons, does
not imply
 |that *no thing* is being used to power my calculator.
 |  Why can't we say the same about the ZPE/Aether?  Just because
 |science has not publicly quantized the substance that IS the
 |does not mean that it is *no thing*.  It obviously is *some thing*.
 |  The day may come when pocket calculators are powered by the
 |*similar* to the solar calculator today.   Maybe this technology
already exists.
 |Maybe this technology has existed for 50 or more years.  To suggest
that it
 |will NEVER exist, is in my opinion a poor speculation.
 |   I do not consider the ZPE/Aether as "nothing".
 |> But perhaps there may very well be a cost, [when the means
necessary to unleash this
 |> ubiquitous energy source is discovered.]
 |   Maybe, maybe not. This IS where the fun is!!  ;)
 |> Is anyone familiar with contemporary
 |> research on Zero Point Energy?
 |    I have seen many theories of the ZPE/Aether at the web site (and
 |that I posted previously.  I have read of accounts of utilizing the
 |as a fuel source, but all are very much out of the main stream of
science and
 |not recognized as *real* science. I might add that most (if not all)
are NOT
 |put up for inspection, which in my opinion may be good reason for
 |science not to recognize that the ZPE/Aether can be utilized as an
efficient fuel
 |  To answer you question,  no. There is not much to find regarding
 |research on Zero Point Energy" (that is easily accessible).  If you
find some
 |information, please pass it on. OTOH, I do remember reading patents
that described
 |utilizing ZPE in some way, through a IBM Web patent server.  I'll
will try to locate
 |these url's and pass them along.
 |   However, It is my opinion that the Podkletnov experiment (and
 |duplications)  do infact involve the ZPE/Aether.  As far as I know
 |there is no information available that links the Podkletnov work
 |the ZPE/Aether (other than my own work, and specualtions).
 |   My research involves the construction of a device that is
somewhat a
 |*combination* of the work of Hans Coler's magnetostromapparat,
 |the Podkletnov work, and the work of Floyd Sweet.  The effects are
 |spurious at best, and nothing to get excited about, yet.
 |Kind Regards
 |Don Palermo

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