CCK and old joke

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Wed Jan 13 20:55:16 EST 1999

In <369C2309.EB461C6F at ix.netcom.com> Richard Sargent
<dsargent at ix.netcom.com> writes: 
>- - - - - -(snip) - - - - - - - - - -

F. Frank LeFever wrote:

 Certainly the
>> newcomer can also propose ideas--but be prepared to learn that they
>> likely to be like the old joke about the two leading newspapers in
>> USSSR...

And Peter (i.e . Peter, not Richard, Sargent) asked:

>Which joke?

The two papers were Pravda, the party organ, and Izvyestia,  the
government publication.  Pravda means "truth" (po angliski) and
Izvyestia means "news".

The joke (forgive the transliteration; my browser does not support
Cyrillic): "Shto pravda nye izvyestia, i shto izvyestia nye pravda"
("What's true is not news, and what's 'news' is not true")

F. LeFever

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