F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jan 12 22:58:06 EST 1999

Sort of like "bad money drives out good money".

As I pointed out in longer post, 8 papers at Society for Neuroscience
last November dealt with CCK.  Perhaps some neuroscientists working
with CCK read (or at one time did read) this newsgroup.  Aggressive
ignorance (as per Mr. Sargent's "reply") tends to drive them away,

F. Frank LeFever, Ph.D.
New York Neuropsychology Group

In <Pine.HPP.3.96.990112104712.7698A-100000 at Nash.iupui.edu>
<ricyoung at iupui.edu> writes: 
>I am relatively certain that my post did not belong here.  I read as
>of this newsgroup as I can and i figured that somebody might be able
>clue me into a better, specific newsgroup.  I looked through the list
>started with "bionet" and I did not know which one would be
>for my question.  
>Thank you in advance
>andy young
>ricyoung at ruby.iupui.edu

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