Brain Use/40 hertz and apologies

F. Frank LeFever flefever at ix.netcom.com
Tue Jan 12 23:11:40 EST 1999

Well, now I'm sorry I jumped so hard on Mr. Sargent!

I had feared he would be another in a long line of grandiose pundits
who have proved to be entirely refractory to criticism, but this and
his last post on CCK suggest that he is not one of them.

His eagerness to jump into neuroscience is admirable; but in future,
misunderstandings could be avoided by appropriate introductions of
material, e.g. "Here is what I found on the internet relating to this
subjject".  We have been plagued by people posting nonsense in this
newsgroup, on the "authority" of some vast unread (and unpublished)
corpus of work in which they explain everything in the world.

F. LeFever

In <369BF48C.71F7C937 at ix.netcom.com> Richard Sargent
<dsargent at ix.netcom.com> writes: 
>I have to apologize to F. Frank LeFever, as I really let him have it. 
>I feel very penitent and seek forgiveness from the newsgroup and the
>Peter L. Sargent

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