CFP: AAAI-99 Workshop on Computation with Neural Systems

Victoria Hodge aaai99_workshop at cs.york.ac.uk
Wed Jan 13 10:39:48 EST 1999

Sixteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-99)
	Computation with Neural Systems Workshop
	      July 18-19, 1999, Orlando, Florida

Current AI methods lack the flexibility and reliability of biological
information processing systems and, although a great deal is known about
the construction of biological systems, this knowledge has had little
impact on main stream AI. If we are to progress toward building machines
with the abilities of the natural computing systems, closer
collaboration between those studying biological information processing
systems and AI and neural computing is essential. This workshop is
specifically designed to bring these two groups together, with the aim
of providing indicators on how the brain may organise and process
information, so that this knowledge may initiate new ways to think about

The workshop will focus on topics of common interest to neuro-biologists
and those working in neural networks and other approaches to intelligent
systems.  It will focus on the low level mechanisms involved in
biological systems and how these may be exploited by the brain to bring
about intelligent behaviour.

The following list (with full details on
expands on the areas of interest in the workshop:
	* Synchronisation of processing.
	* Processing speed.
	* Timing.
	* Robustness to component failure.
	* Modular construction.
	* Information representation.
	* Information transmission.

The Workshop will last one day with the morning session comprising
speakers for half an hour each followed by a discussion/ panel session.
The afternoon session will again comprise speakers for half an hour
each, followed by a further panel session.


Attendance will be limited to 40 participants. To be invited, please
submit either a short paper (up to 4,000 words) on one or more of the
areas listed above or a brief statement (up to two pages) of your
interests in the topic areas and a list of your related publications.


The preferred method for submitting a paper or statement is to e-mail
a postscript file to:

	aaai99_workshop at cs.york.ac.uk

If that is not possible, please submit papers to:

	Victoria Hodge,
	Department of Computer Science,
	University of York,
	Heslington, York
	YO10 5DD
	United Kingdom

	fax: +44 1904 432767

Important Dates

	* Submission deadline: March 12, 1999
	* Notification date: March 26, 1999
	* Final date for camera-ready copies to organisers:April 21,1999

Workshop Committee:

	Prof. Jim Austin [Chair] - University of York, UK

	Prof. Stefan Wermter [co-Chair] - University of Sunderland, UK
	Dr. Vasant Honavar [co-Chair]  - Iowa State University, USA
	Victoria Hodge [General Organiser]  - University of York, UK


* For additional workshop information,
	see http://thalamus.cs.york.ac.uk/aaai

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