Zero Point Energy

William Scott Scherk wsscherk at netbistro.com
Wed Jan 13 11:00:21 EST 1999

Richard Sargent wrote:

> ZPE seems to be in defiance of what is earthly and that which obeys the 'laws' and
> generalizations postulated and tested by humans throughout this age of technological
> development.  Getting something for nothing is a difficult thing to conceptualize.
> But perhaps there may very well be a cost, [when the means necessary to unleash this
> ubiquitous energy source is discovered.]  Is anyone familiar with contemporary
> research on Zero Point Energy?
> Thank you,
> Peter L. Sargent

See: Scientific American Online article | Exploiting Zero-Point Energy: Energy fills
empty space, but is there a lot to be tapped, as some propound? Probably not
        by Philip Yam
    @  http://www.sciam.com/1297issue/1297yam.html

William Scott Scherk


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