Didier A. Depireux (didier at Glue.umd.edu) wrote:
: Richard Sargent (dsargent at ix.netcom.com) wrote:
: : energy source is discovered.] Is anyone familiar with contemporary
: : research on Zero Point Energy?
: the fact that if you put, in a perfect vacuum, two metal plates close to
: each other and that they would attract each other, has been measured
: indirectly only, by looking at the van der Waals forces in real gases (the
I stand corrected. S.K.Lamoreaux, in Phys Rec Lett 78 (1) (1997), pp 5-8,
made a direct measurement of the Casimir effect, showing a macroscopic
effect of something which can be explained only by QED. No useable force,
but still it _was_ measured directly.
Didier A Depireux didier at isr.umd.edu
Neural Systems Lab http://www.isr.umd.edu/~didier