Richard Sargent <dsargent at> wrote:
> Frank, you don't seem to be able to read through before you make comments
> that would answer your questions. ...
I have a bad cold, and may not have read properly, but many of the
comments were fine.
> > Eccles did important work on spinal reflexes. Lecture may
> > represent his thinking in his dotage, when he may have become a
> > dualist and a spiritist... (MAY have; not familiar with it)
Several Nobel laureates are cited (as authorities) on issues their
research had nothing do do with. In the case of Eccles, his dualist view
of mind and brain has never impressed me (yes, I have heard Eccles
personally present on this). I might not have called him a spiritist,
> > Any relation to the Russian neuropsychologist of the same
> > name? A.R. Luria?? I am on a first-name basis with THAT
> > Luria's last doctoral student...
> Well, obviously, its not the same one. Your egotism and high-mindedness
> have spurred you to speak out of turn once more, eh Frank?
> > proved that the 1/3 bulk of frontal lobes
> > >are mostly dormant.
> > Must be a different Alexander Luria.
I do not think so. I think Le Fever's comments were correct and the
"other" Luria is a complex miscitation, probably perpetuated by several
misinformed authors. This could easily happen - compare the alleged
experiments and findings with LeFever's account of the real Luria's work.
I do not imply that Sargent is personally responsible for the
> Eccles did important work on spinal reflexes. Lecture may
> scorning sincere researchers, mocking legitimate test procedures, and
> generally showing little respect for the scientific method.
I oppose. He has repeatedly given correct information here.
The last exchange of opinions between Frank Le Fever and Peter Sargent
does contain unnecessary impolitenesses on both sides.
Dag Stenberg
Dag Stenberg MD PhD stenberg at
Institute of Biomedicine tel: (int.+)358-9-1918532
Department of Physiology fax: (int.+)358-9-1918681
P.O.Box 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland