Richard Sargent <dsargent at> wrote:
> No, Frank, not a joke, the results of a 5 minute web search. Do I have
> time to ascertain the validity of all findings? Should I care to? No, but
> if you include multiple refs (I included 3), the truth will usually be
> manifested.
A 5 minute web search is a HIGHLY risky way of collecting scientific
information. Several persons here (no names mentioned) do have more
professionan background for their views, often including having read
and ascertained the validity of much of the literature they are citing
from. Unfortunately, many "scientific" newsgroups have been invaded by
persons of dubious knowledge, not to say worse, and it has become
impossible for laymen to know the difference.
(As a parallel, I can think of archeology, where a certain newsgroup
discussant's only merit seems to be having written a popular and well
sold book with a vision of how human development may have taken
place. Such persons are then often called "authorities" and "gurus" in
the news media, although they may have published not a single article in
a scientific journal, the contant of which is subject to review by other
scientists - "peer review". The public does not know the difference).
Dag Stenberg
Dag Stenberg MD PhD stenberg at
Institute of Biomedicine tel: (int.+)358-9-1918532
Department of Physiology fax: (int.+)358-9-1918681
P.O.Box 9 (Siltavuorenpenger 20 J)
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki,Finland