Terry Smith terrys at gastro.apana.org.au
Wed Jan 13 13:15:42 EST 1999

di> From: Richard Sargent <dsargent at ix.netcom.com>
di> Date: Tue, 12 Jan 1999 08:41:59 -0500

di> F. Frank LeFever wrote:

> Ahh, the new kkollins!  Often in error, never in doubt!
> After some "clever" gobbledigook to show his contempt for the question,

di> Not contempt for, but amusement by.  How does 'porcine' anything
di> belong in this ng?  For crying out loud, that means 'pig'.  I know
di> because I read 'Animal Farm' a few months ago.  I interpretted,

This would seem to be the extent of your literature search.

di> Ah, pride strikes again!  Excuse me for not being able to have 1 or
di> 2 job/graduate designations under my name as you seem to enjoy
di> making reference to.  I think I do not need to make an exit; rather,

I think you will find that extolling your lack of education in a topic you
a pontificating on is only seen as a virtue in FRZ groups. This is a
`bionet' group. Its topic is `neuroscience'. *Dr* Lefever happens to be a
neuroscientist. I an a neuroscience student. You are a blowarse.


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