signal to noise on bionet ng's

Brian Sandle bsandle at southern.co.nz
Tue Jan 12 06:28:27 EST 1999

Matt Jones <jonesmat at ohsu.edu> wrote:
: In article <778saf$8ll$1 at nnrp1.dejanews.com> ,
: Hemidactylus at my-dejanews.com writes:

: Also, if you notice a thread that contains multiple postings by the same
: individual, occurring sequentially as if they are having a dialog with
: themselves, steer clear because that's  exactly what's happening.

Not really. Often no reply means more info could produce results.

You are saying that the author should write one long article and put 
everything in, rather than give a bit which might be sufficent to get the 
necessary reply without using so much bandwidth as the long article?

Brian Sandle

: We can't (and shouldn't) do anything about the noise, but we can 
: certainly try to increase the signal strength.

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