Who stands behind our brains?

Bloxy's Bloxy's at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 12 03:44:17 EST 1999

In article <369b3745.354159 at news.demon.co.uk>, malcolm at pigsty.demon.co.uk (Malcolm McMahon) wrote:
>On Sun, 10 Jan 1999 11:20:12 GMT, cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
>(Cijadrachon) wrote:
>>"Ray Scanlon" <rscanlon at wsg.net> wrote:
>>>I, as soul, stand behind my brain. 
>>I never discovered any soul in any area in my brain I accessed back
>>then, and I myself have none, either. 
>Of course not. You can't _discover_ consciousness, you _are_
>consciousness. To discover something is to make it an object of


1. Body [matter]
2. Mind [that, which is aware of the body]
3. Consciousness [that, which is aware of the mind]
4. Turia [the forth. That, about which nothing can be said].

If you can not become aware of your mind,
then you are completely IDENTIFIED with that mind.
You ARE the mind in that state.
That is what we called the mind conditioning
of a bio-robot.

Once you become aware of your thought, running
by themselves, and you are just an observer from
the outside of it,
then you can comrehend the beauty of it all.

You, as an entity, is a cluster of consciousness,
forming matter and your own body
every moment of your life.

You'll see.

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