Norway's blubber mountain

G R Jenks robocop at nlights.net
Tue Jan 12 04:34:00 EST 1999

In one simple group of Whale Song contains more then 3 million bits of data.
I also agree that the Whale is as smart or smarter then us.
Just because we can not understand them, does not means that they do not
understand us.

Any Whale Pics?

Masaaki Ishida wrote in message <369AFE22.7EEE at fuchinobe.skk.slb.com>...
>William A. Levinson wrote:
>> Seriously, whales are intelligent creatures with brains as large or
>> larger than our own. I would be hesitant to consume them for that
>> reason.
>Is it agreed among scientists that large brain indicates intelligence?
>M. Ishida

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