Mindcore Vocabulary

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Tue Jan 12 11:03:15 EST 1999

mindcorevocab mcv.3  third casting  11.Jan.1999

- First we select ca. 64 most common words based on German and Russian.
- Next we fill in oblique forms (I, me), forcing out low-freq words.
- Then we push in words necessitated by syntax:  do, what, who.
- Then we adopt words peculiar to AI:  body, mind, robot, think
- We also fill in some words for the sake of parts of speech.

alpha-     average       R E A S O N S    F O R    I N C L U S I O N
betical    frequency
listing    by rank

   a         4
 - after              51      [ removed for:  think ]
   all            32
   already          44
   also       12
   always             55
   and       1
   as               49
   at             32
   be        6            [ links to:  am, is, are ]
   because          46
   become           45
   big                  62
   but        16
   by             39
   can/able       31
   come               52
   do                 50
 + does                        [ for syntax; remove:  indeed 42 ]
 + eat                         [ Useful for a logical hierarchy. ]
   for            35
   give                 63
   go                   60
   have      6
   he           21
 + her                          she +                  = 64
 - here                58
 + him                          he +                   = 63
   how          24
   I         5
   if             37
   it       10
   in        4
 - indeed           42          [ removed for: does ]
 + know                         [ for AI; remove:  only 61 ]
   many       19
 + me                           I +                    = 62
   must           39
 - my               48        [ removed for:  who  ]
 - naturally            64
   not       8
   now              43
   of             32
   on         19
   one          24
 - only                 61      [ removed for:  know  ]
   or             34
 + robot                        [ for AI; remove: here 58 ]
   say            34
   self             43
   she          23
   so           22
 - sometime           57            [ removed for: + they ]
   still adv.     32
   that conj. 15
   the       1
   there        23
   therefore    20
   then       11
 + they
 + think                           [ remove:  after 51 ]
   this       19
   to           22
 + us                         we +        [ remove:  naturally 64 ]
   very           42
   we         12
   what         21
 + who                  [ for questions; remove:  my 48 ]
 - whole          45              [ removed for:  eat  ]
   with       14
   yes          27
   you          22
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html Mind.forth AI

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