In article <916140507.636497 at>, Brian Sandle
<bsandle at> wrote:
> Matt Jones <jonesmat at> wrote:
> : In article <778saf$8ll$1 at> ,
> : Hemidactylus at writes:
>> : Also, if you notice a thread that contains multiple postings by the same
> : individual, occurring sequentially as if they are having a dialog with
> : themselves, steer clear because that's exactly what's happening.
>> Not really. Often no reply means more info could produce results.
>> You are saying that the author should write one long article and put
> everything in, rather than give a bit which might be sufficent to get the
> necessary reply without using so much bandwidth as the long article?
>> Brian Sandle
>> : We can't (and shouldn't) do anything about the noise, but we can
> : certainly try to increase the signal strength.
Yeah, I think he means when people are replying to themselves over and
over again....