Richard Sargent dsargent at ix.netcom.com
Mon Jan 11 20:57:37 EST 1999

ricyoung at iupui.edu wrote:

> Could anyone tell me what newsgroup I should direct this question to, or
> maybe someone here knows....
> Is porcine cholecystokinin exactly structurally analogous to human CCK?

Actually, PCCK has an expansive effect on porcine organelles while its
humano-homologue is strictly contractive to the human gallbladder.

> Would porcine cholecystokinin become antigenic after intramuscular
> administration?

It depends on your inertial reference frame.  A tissue biopsy may be
conclusive as regards the effects of PCCK.

>  If so, is there a comercially available recombinant CCK>?

Personally, I wouldn't invest in PCCK if I were you.  However, the HCCK  can
be solenized into iguano-cholecystokinin and recombined with multicultural RNA
strands independent of mitochondrial abiogenesis.

> andy young
> ricyoung at ruby.iupui.edu

  To answer your question about what would be the choice newsgroup for a post
of this sort, this definitely would not be material for a neuroscience
newsgroup.  Look for a biology newsgroup.

Pete Sargent

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