>... with the collective human knowledge of today.
For the collective human knowledge your lack of magic knowledge and
according understanding of the brain amazes me.
Also the lack of responsibility in the idea of simulating persons of
other mammal races.
Make sure you do not imitate the wrong areas.
Not that I am sure why you'd want to imitate them at all, instread of
using base principles behind functions of the brain as perceiveable
in magic and as others are said to use, nor why there is not more
interest in that, as at least for some magicians here the interest is
in being part of the "space nets communications", therefore it seems
illogical to me to devise something without straight aiming it at
that, and unwise to start messing around before the time has come to
Unless you just wish to try to experiment creating beings and do not
care what they suffer because of your errors, and do not look to
create persons even to all persons but slaves to be abused.