In article <77b1k5$243$1 at>,
Matt Jones <jonesmat at> wrote:
> In article <778saf$8ll$1 at> ,
>Hemidactylus at writes:
> >During this lurking, I've noticed a major problem with signal to noise. Are
> >there any solutions for this? Is this happening on all bionet groups? Do most
> >regulars just wield their killfiles or whatever?
> >
> >
>> Yes, wield your killfile with impunity, and above all DON'T respond to
> useless nonsense, regardless of how much you want to. It just perpetuates
> the problem.
>> Also, if you notice a thread that contains multiple postings by the same
> individual, occurring sequentially as if they are having a dialog with
> themselves, steer clear because that's exactly what's happening.
>> We can't (and shouldn't) do anything about the noise, but we can
> certainly try to increase the signal strength.
>>I guess what you mention here is the best strategy.
Even moderation has its limits, as moderators walk the razor's edge on what
should / should not be dropped.
Scott Chase
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