Cijadrachon wrote:
> >... with the collective human knowledge of today.
> For the collective human knowledge your lack of magic knowledge and
> according understanding of the brain amazes me.
> Also the lack of responsibility in the idea of simulating persons of
> other mammal races.
Peter Sargent wrote:"
It's hard to believe an actual simulo-neuron can be created [with its
thousands of dendritic connections], let alone 37.7 million of them.
The nervous system's functions are so complex as to make this project
inconceivable to current human capability and knowledge. Sure,
micro-tech is
steadily advancing and circuitry can be made ever smaller but one must
the progression to something so incredibly complex as 37.7 * 10^6 neurons
with x * 10^3 connections (dendrites) which have connections with other
neurons[, the number is incomprehensively huge] as being something that
is too
advanced right now. Instead the computer-biotech field should
concentrate on
something involving much fewer base unit cells"What confuses you about
what I've written? I certainly don't claim to be the source of all
correct information (I read and consolidate informations to come to a
conclusion based on past exercise of the scientific method. Cij, why do
you claim that magic has any place in a science discussion newsgroup?
And how can you blindly post the practicability/feasibility of such a
project in the face of data like that which I posted, which is roughly
> it seems
> illogical to me to devise something without straight aiming it at
> that, and unwise to start messing around before the time has come to
> such.
I agree
> Unless you just wish to try to experiment creating beings and do not
> care what they suffer because of your errors, and do not look to
> create persons even to all persons but slaves to be abused.
That will be the only reality in quasi-neural electronic projects.
Peter Sargent