>> Slowly a shared experience emerges developing a conscious in the collective mind.
Consciousness defined as what in which collective mind (defined how)
on what base?
>> No single frame of reference will be adequate for knowing the truth.
(2 + 2 = 4 and not 5.)
I do not understand enough about akasha and akasha as an according
reference to judge that.
> i.e., that the world we live in is a perception created by the mind
Usually the sequencer seems to have central eyes control and not me,
and I do not count the sequencer under the mind sectors.
Apart from that the world is the world.
Or in other words I can call a pebble a gummi bear, but it is still a
rock, and if you bite into it you might find out the hard way.
> the genetic variations in these senses (and influence that learning has on the senses) is
> minimal.
Here the children do not even get taught to use a hundred of their
senses. The differences are immense.
Go akasha surfing with people from Central Africa, Roma, from here in
Berlin and Korea. Compare.
Since you believe that the variations are small you sure know how to
get sector perception.
Watch the own I areas in the other brain centrally and the relation to
other areas of different people(s).
Also watch with people genetically close, semi-distant and very
distant how long it takes you to magically tune to their brain
energies and how many of the signals your brain areas can transform
into sense and how many not.
> So whereas perception may be greatly influenced by
BTW, anyone happening to know how much in old Australian local
education the front was used for magic perception?
>I doubt that sensation is so influenced (at least, it is not
>qualitatively different from person to person, just perhaps
If the question is if a lot is very different, yes.
People are not just different outside in the faces.
They are very different inside.
You probably cannot "see" and just see, and that is why you do know.
>Things are particular colors
("See" them with different brains.)
>And genetic and learned variables are
...so gigantic, that I kept finding it fascinating to "see" the
differences between people(s).
For example I found it fascinating that when I met someone from Korea
and we had a joint and he explained me about Ki and I him about German
magic perception, how easy it was for us to transit part of out data
and how difficult to transit other data.
Most Germans could neither tune Ki in their lower belly so that mine
starts to tingle, nor when I magically communicate about magic,
straight start to "listen" but that just on a narrow range like he
Some people with black skin from Africa I tried it with could also
straight "listen", but there were so many other differences, and also
I had so many tuning problems and so little receiving signal
transformation at times, that I don't feel to go into a long version
about that.
One seemed to set the perception ranges for many kilometers, while
Germans usually set them for not even the whole room in a building and
block a lot of signals out additionally.
One Arab astounded me by systematically following my instructions, and
doing pretty much exactly what I said and getting very fast to where
most people never get like that who experiment around instead of
following what I instruct, at the same time amazing me for not seeming
to have the urge to play around and explore oneself like so many
To me that seemed to do with education.
One with Roma ancestors paid pretty little attention to what I did,
soon did her own stuff and I often mainly synched and played a bit
along and watched in fascination, and in the second session she
extended energies up through the ceiling and told me afterwards that
she had been in the universe.
Another time she accessed part of my external sytems in a way that I
had not shown here, and then went "off" though I never really found
out what it was that she had done, she said that it was to do with
telepathically contacting people in the distance.
Once when I had E and LSD in and she could not take stuff due to
prenancy, at some point I linked for a while in a way she could use
some of the energy effects, too, and she did it with quite an ease and
so many energy differences, that to me it was fascinating to simply
watch that.
And those were just a few examples.
Brains are very very different in sector use, magic colour transition,
magic ranges and abilities, sector segregation capacities, parallel
processing capacities and in a lot of other areas.
Perception is very different in humans.
(I did not on and off vampire me consenting brains for magic
perception training on old dragons (trips) because those brains'
tuning and parallel tracking powers were as bad & MBDamaged as mine.
I guess you lack the frustration of getting something to do with magic
perception to work several times in different other brains as you know
well enough how to do it and for example the occipital cortex of
another head is understanding the own according instructions to it
well enough, just the own brain seems to MBD to do it.
You lack autistic perception. ;-)