Chimeric Faces

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Sun Jan 10 02:27:16 EST 1999

I stand on what I posted.

I study organically-intact systems, and their information-processing
with respect to naturally-occuring phenomena, not "contrived" systems,
because studying organically-intact systems, and their
information-processing with respect to naturally-occuring phenomena,
enables one to recognize "contrived" systems.

I Wrote The Book on facial symmetry, Mr. Frank. As is briefly explained
in AoK, it reduces directly to TD E/I-minimization within the neural
topology, and has extraordinary information-processing usefulness. Look
and see, in-there is verification that Darwin's "evolutionary theory"
isn't even close to what's actually going on in the engineering of the
DNA. It's all just what's described by 2nd Thermo (wdb2t).

Beyond this, IMO, using "chimeric" to express "relative-symmetry"
burdens the discussion with insensitive connotations. See, for instance:


Why use words so recklessly? K. P. Collins

F. Frank LeFever wrote:
> Why not "symmetry"? Precisely because they are contrived to be
> asymmetric, i.e. designed to be, constructed to be asymmetric, in SOME
> cases, but contrived to be "un-naturally" symmetric in other cases
> (e.g. the right half reversed and substituted for the left half, or
> vice versa).
> "Chimeric" is simply the term by which these constructins are known
> among people engaged in or at least FAMILIAR with this line of research
> --for example, those who attended the joint New York Academy of
> Sciences/New York Neuropsychology Group meeting at which Dr. Levy spoke
> (at my invitation), a few Novembers ago...
> Again, this COMPULSION u-no-who has to comment on things he knows
> nothing about--shouldn't he be spending more time on manipulating the
> stock market?  or are these posts intended to do so?  OR does the stock
> market drive his compulsive commentary?  Has he been programmed to do
> so?  Is this candidate really Manchurian??
> F. LeFever

> [...]

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