I posted on this n.g. a couple months ago and valued the level of signal to
noise that resulted (on that thread). I got a lot of good input (wrt LTP),
even the criticisms from LeFever, in retrospect, were good. I was a bit more
critical of LTP as a result. Thanx everybody.
I've pretty much lurked for a while here, since this is a bionet group and I
feel a certain level of respect is required. Relevant references are good
During this lurking, I've noticed a major problem with signal to noise. Are
there any solutions for this? Is this happening on all bionet groups? Do most
regulars just wield their killfiles or whatever?
Metadiscussion isn't always appreciated by ng regulars, but relative to some
of the tangentialism and "hot air" here, I'm not too ashamed.
Scott Chase
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