Why not "symmetry"? Precisely because they are contrived to be
asymmetric, i.e. designed to be, constructed to be asymmetric, in SOME
cases, but contrived to be "un-naturally" symmetric in other cases
(e.g. the right half reversed and substituted for the left half, or
vice versa).
"Chimeric" is simply the term by which these constructins are known
among people engaged in or at least FAMILIAR with this line of research
--for example, those who attended the joint New York Academy of
Sciences/New York Neuropsychology Group meeting at which Dr. Levy spoke
(at my invitation), a few Novembers ago...
Again, this COMPULSION u-no-who has to comment on things he knows
nothing about--shouldn't he be spending more time on manipulating the
stock market? or are these posts intended to do so? OR does the stock
market drive his compulsive commentary? Has he been programmed to do
so? Is this candidate really Manchurian??
F. LeFever
In <36943C0C.68903892 at pop3.concentric.net> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
>>Why not "chiral"?
>>Why not "symmetry"?
>>ken collins
>>Matthew Hoptman wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>> You may wish to write to Dr. Jerre Levy at the Department of
Psychology, University
>> of Chicago. She and her laboratory developed the chimeric faces
task. Dr. Levy was my
>> dissertation advisor, and we even published on the topic comparing
asymmetries for
>> cartoon vs. real faces. Another person who worked on chimeric
faces in Dr. Levy's lab
>> is Dr. Karen Luh who is at the Department of Psychology, University
>> Wisconsin--Madison, Madison, WI. Good luck, and congratulations on
starting in
>> research during high school.
>> -- Matthew Hoptman, Ph.D.
>>>>JaxWendy at AOL.COM wrote:
>>>> > To Whom it May Concern:
>> >
>> > Hello. My name is Jackie Ardam. I am a sophmore at
Commack High School, on
>> > Long Island. I participate in a before-school science research
program every
>> > morning. I am interested in doing a project on hemispheres of the
>> > using an experiment with chimeric faces. I would greatly
appreciate if you
>> > could send or e-mail me any information of materials about the
chimeric faces
>> > experiments. Thank you very much for your time.
>> >
>> > Sincelely,
>> > Jackie Ardam
>> > JaxWendy at aol.com