The Art of Computer Mindmaking

Mentifex mentifex at scn.org
Sat Jan 9 22:15:08 EST 1999

Using any viable language to code the minimal pdaimind:

  /^^^^^^^^^^^\ Mind-grid Arrays{ } in Robot PDAI /^^^^^^^^^^^\      
 /visual memory\                   _________     /  auditory   \
|      /--------|---------\       / LANG-UK \   |   memory      |
|      |  recog-|nition   |       \_________/---|-------------\ |       
|   ___|___     |         | flush-vector|       |   ________  | |
|  /image  \    |     ____V_        ____V__     |  /        \ | |
| / percept \   |    /psi{ }\------/ uk{ } \----|-/ ear{ }   \| |  
| \ engrams /---|---/concepts\----/ lexicon \---|-\ phonemes /  |     
|  \_______/    |   \________/    \_________/   |  \________/   |

Checklist of steps in coding or porting the PDAIMIND

___ Step 001:  In your intended programming language, first make
sure that the language will permit you to write a never-ending program
that endlessly performs its own computations while only occasionally or
periodically checking for input from a human user or from another AI.

___ Step 002:  Familiarize yourself with the information flow in the
mind-diagram above.

___ Step 003:  Create a Web page where you will release each new level
of PDAI functionality for the benefit of history and of other individuals
working in your target programming language.

___ Step 004:  Write some code for getting the input of ASCII characters
from the keyboard.  Although AI programs which go beyond the basic,
minimal pdaimind will need to use speech recognition for the input of
actual phonemes of continuous human speech, the pdaimind as an example
for other AI programs will make do with simple keyboard text-entry.  The
http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/7256/m-forth.html Mind.forth
AUDITION Screen #9 shows an implementation in Forth with Comments on
AUDITION Scr #9 available to show how audition is handled.
___ Step 005:  Directly from the World Wide Web, print out your current
Internet Web Release as a working document.  Freely mark up the hardcopy
with corrections, algorithm ideas, URL's, etc., until you have coded
enough new functionality to warrant a new, up-to-date Web release.
___ Step 006:  Create an array such as ear{ } to store the keyboard
text entry.
___ Step 007:  Write code for a Comparator which will recognize words
already stored in the PDaiMind.
___ Step 008:

___ Step 009:

___ Step 010:

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