>Neglect is commonly one-way in the dynamics of Child Abuse...
>then, as the Child matures, and the
>generalized passive-active phase shift (sensory-template-dominant to
>motor-template-dominant phase shift) gains ascendency (AoK, Ap5, Ap7,
>Ap8), the Geometry of behavior "inverts", the "adult" replicates the
>abusive dynamics...
If I were you I'd reconsider part of that one and take eg.3, where
rankfighting and aggression programs are hatching, into closer inner
Some who cannot get it in straight but are daydreaming or having
certain preferences within (scenes of) films that fluctuate slightly
can also use those.
Some areas of the hypothalamus might be of interest, though I do know
know enough there.
Also you seem to assume that it is a mere replication, although you
mention that the THEd Child is maturing.
When leaving childhood there are program changes, including those to
do with rank and aggression stuff that is preparing the young one to
fight for the position in the adult herd and sort of the sexual rank
in nature.
I am nor sure if you contemplate that enough?
>>... unilateral neglect can be shown in visual memory, for example ignoring buildings
>> on the left when patients imagined a scene in their home towns; when
>> asked to imagine facing the opposite direction the previously neglected
>> buildings were "seen" and described, whereas the previously "seen"
>> buildings (now being on the left in this view) were ignored...
(...Maybe I manage to ignore them successfully before they are even
stored as I had trouble picturing several building at once next to
each other in the first place when reading that. :-(
Did not seem to matter which way. ;-)