Mechanisms of hearing question

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 7 02:11:22 EST 1999

>...if you measure the pressure in the  cochlea at a given frequency (at rest, with no stimulation), you find a
>gaussian type of noise. ... But once in a while, we (mammals) all have these high pitch sounds in one ear, 
>that last about 10 seconds to a minutes, and that sound like a TV is being turned on. These
>otoacoustic emissions occur all the time, and we don't hear most of them.
>But if you record the pressure at the frequency of one otoacoustic
>emission, you will find a U-shaped distribution of the amplitudes, just as
>you would get from a sinusoidal oscillation. We know that these emissions
>are from the OHC... Draw your conclusions!
>						Didier

Thinking?! What is that? 
Since you likely cannot explain that, I hope you do not mind if I'd
find it more practical to read your drawn conclusions.

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