(To certain people: Maybe SKIP.)
>Ask the folks in Kuwait, whose land he ordered occupied, whose wealth he
>ordered stolen, whose people he ordered murdered.
Whose land exactly you are referring to?
I did not track the thingie, here someone (who might have been totally
wrong) told me that the question of "whose" land part of it was was
disputed by Iraq and that the reply of the (?)sheiks claiming and
ruling it did not indicate that that was totally wrong.
I did not track which tribe or clan or whomever was there when in
history, so I guess the case is not as easy as with stolen Red Indian
land in Northern America where there are peoples demanding
independence and at least some of the land stolen of them back.
By the way, has at least an official apology been extended to the
tribes for the murders in the past?
>It's a no-brainer.
That would be neurologially interesting.
Let me guess, some aliens just stuck some Menti-AL into his head.
> See the above.
There I did not find references to which Arabic lands he tried to
dictate of the many there are.
>Hussein failed to comprehend the Humanity of all folks in the Gulf Nations,
How great a Humanity indeed.
Excuse me, but how long have you been visiting all the folks you
mention there and been talking with them in their language?
This suspiciously sounds like some generalizing crap. Personally I
doubt you even can speak and write in Husseins language nor that you
have spend even just a single year there, not even to talk about two
years which each people, which for me seems the time to learn a bit to
the level where I different deeper understandings about a culture
quite different to my own.
>The man cannot even think a thought that
>embraces Humanity. All he can think of is his personal game of "chess".
You might have noticed in the chess game that it was about an oil area
and that Kuridistan is still not free.
I mean, they are just one of the oldest peoples of Earth.
Nothing to do I guess with rockets in Turkey.
Since mentioning chess
Talking about which, there is an easy way to know a little about how
well you know the cultures there: Tell me how the different peoples
there call what the English call "bishop" in chess
and how they call that game.
>> I do not recall any attempt of him to dictate norther African nor most
>> other Arab places.
>>He was already threatening Saudi Arabia... he assaulted Saudi
>territority with scuds. If he'd not been stopped in Kuwait, he'd have
>attacked other Gulf Nations indescriminantly.
You are taking no reference to Northern Africa, and with Saudi Arabia
I'd not be as sure as you seem to be how far he would have gone
(Maybe you should further the according chess board
with Mekka and Medina and a FEW additional players... ;-)
>> And if his first language is Arabic?
>Murder is its own language.
Could you stop going down to a level that sounds like you were
chemically brain amputated, as you are very well able to use your
capacities to process the question if his first language was Arabic,
while we are discussing your claim that he wanted to dictate Arabic
areas, and tell me a no or yes.
(I apologize, that one was mean, but sometimes you do get on my nerves
with your evasions of asked answers seemingly to avoid the
> I've given my Life to lifting-up This Nation.
Lol. As a reply to stuff to do with occupying the lands of Red Indians
this Re has pretty funny aspects.
BTW, your Capitalizing efforts must have gone unnotice here.
And you are still oddly alive for having given your live.
Like wasting time talking about children instead of getting a job
within an (?) SOS Children Village or going to Mexcio City or places
in South Africa or India and organizing a shelter place for children
with food and teaching and a connection to USA second hand stuff from
people whose children have out-grow clothes and old school books and
other books and stuff like that.
>> If the UN had any brains at all they'd apolgize to the people of Iraq,
>> offer to send volunteers with the reconstruction, make holiday
>> programs for people wishing to meet other people (especially in
>> Britian and the USA) and receive them back for visits, and request
>> Iraq if they could send teacher to the people and children of Britain
>> and the USA to learn their language to prevent future wars and
>> misunderstandings by the people coming to understand each other
>> better.
>Look, man, Hussein could, in relatively short order, lift-up the People
>of Iraq. All he'd have to do is submit to prosecution for the Illegal
>War he Chose to wage upon Innocents.
I guess if the USA would submit to the same prosecution for the
illegal War they Chose to wage upon Innocents in Baghdad and many
other places around Earth, and accept Iraqui controllers when their
weapons are removed so that they finally stop to mess around in so
many places of Earth that people of Iraq might find that fair and go
for that.
At that point theft of Red Indian territory could be discussed, crimes
within Vietnam and other places and so on.
And of course all the many other warsin the last decades could be
dealth with, not just the murders concerning the USA.
>The world community would rush to
>the aid of the People of Iraq.
Go on dreaming.
Most people(s) have their own wars, people dying for not having enough
money and many would not even know where Iraq is ion a map.
Alone with you personally, after all your babbling about the Children
there, I believe that you are just some Big Mouth and will not go
there, learn another language and help.
You are a Big Mouth about a lot, but when it comes to Actions, you
are usually a Zero.
Sorry for being impolite.
Your submit shit sounds like out of some cheap eg.3 film,
and about as peace oriented as one attacker telling another that if
the other kisses his boots he might help him put up the historic
monument the attacker damaged.
Maybe you are the boot kisser type, but there are people where if an
occupier of Red Indian land for centuries is occupying their land with
the reason that it was wrong to shortly occupy land, are not so dumb
that they do not get that that one is not about occupying as such but
about something else.
And with one of the biggest and most often abused weapon arsenals of
Earth to tell another that to have certain weapons is wrong while one
look at the neighbourhood is making it obvious that there'd be a lot
of people who find it more important than it might be for the USA to
be armed well, is rediculous.
There were older people who were hostile to me in Israel though I had
done nothing to them, but their hatred went over generations, and I
tried not to take it too personal.
If you had someone shot you loved by people from Iraq bombarding you
for occupying Red Indian lands and demanding that you surrender many
weapons and surrender to control to make sure that you don't have
them, I want to see how you are rendering your weapons and if some
helpers will make it up to you when you are maybe visiting the grave
of whom you love(d).
If the USA had wished peace they would not have bombarded Iraq, they
would have apologized and invited people over for holiday and teaching
them and their children about customs in the other land and then gone
back there for visits if invited back, and taught the language of the
other to all school classes as soon as there even was the first sign
of a war, best also by teachers from the other land and offering free
teachers with no political aims and inside far enough back, and then
arranged pupil and student exchange programs.
It is old knowledge that it is harder to throw bombs on people whom
you have been drinking tea with and been having a nice chat with,
than at people you do not know.
When planting deadly violence I wonder what you believe the harvest is
likely to be.