Inquisitions:From the "witches",to the "Jews",to "drug addicts"

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Wed Jan 6 21:02:08 EST 1999

(To certain people: Stoned loooong ...
Likley with spelling and maybe word and other mistakes. For the Tom
Schulers: Parts are not serious, including the one about what to study
for psychiatry.) 

kbrauer <kbrauer at one.net> wrote:
>patanie at my-dejanews.com wrote:
>> > Dr. Alan Wheatley wrote:
(German: Und wenn se nicht gestorben sind, dann schreiben se noch
heute... ;-)

>> The generality that dopamine is "the" "culprit" of "drug addiction" is not a
>> scientific problem but a socio-religious problem which arose in the extreme
>> form of Protestantism cultivated in North-America.

Well being stoned might be bad spelling time but good RE time.

Alcohol has not been invented yesterday nor many other drugs.

However many cultures are having ceremonies in their religion, not
that much freedom for their members nor ways to get at that many
druggs, and in some quite some cultures drugs are part of the religion
or of certain ceremonies.

While some people might smoke cigarettes without even paying attention
to that they do, I heard that for Red Indians it used to be a
ceremonial drug.

When raising young people to be a lot alone, when turning adult not
taking them up into the dult system but barring them from the adult
world, not teaching drugs well, not teaching transcending and how to
use the magic senses, not needing to do many activities where many
drugs would weaken too much and not having interesting drugs much in
ceremonies that I beblieve to have a lot to do with it.

There are also many places here with people addicted to drugs, thogh
alcohol from what I hearad tended to hold the records concerning
addicted people and according deaths.

In the Netherlands, Switzerland and many other places also many drugs
are taken. And I do not know about Asia and many other places,
and in some places I do  not exclude that there are not many taking
that many drugs because they do not have they money, nature or other
means to get at them.

However within the USA a difference might be that it is Red Indian
conquered land or what might also be called bloodland.

The cultures there were destroyed to a vast extent,
and the ones coming there were often of violent, sense censoring

There is little harmony with the land, and stability has not grown as
long as in many other places.

There I had serious problems understanding the cultural systems,
and different to other places I lacked guidelines.

Often people would not say anything at all and just look odd,
to then eventually  detonate in some uncontructive form, and not even
interested why maybe one perceived some different or that one was used
to different customs and did not know all of theirs.

While in Sudan for example a man came to me and asked me in a kind way
why I ate in Ramadan. 
And he did listen to the reply, which was a question if he ate when
Christians had their time of fasting. He pondered that and said no and
grinned, assuming that I was Christian, and then it was O.K. that I
ate and we chatted about other stuff.

I encountered a lot of tolerance, openness and hospitality in Sudan,
many of different tribes seeming quite advanced in their inner culture
to me.

While in the USA I met a pretty low tolerance, closed-mindedness, and
high aggressions.

I also noticed that the USA are the only place ever discriminating
against me because in their question thingie they asked among
questions along the line of different of having done evils stuff, if
you are mentally or physical handicapped and I made a nice little X
there, and at some point they then even went physically violent, and
bragged about that they can do anything they want to people as they
aer outside all borders and all laws and that I therefore can not do a
single phonecall and call the embassy as I wanted,
and I got confirmed from someone else that that is so, and later also
read Amnesty Internations reports about the police in the USA.

For me it is one of the most violent places that I have been to.

And seriously the only place I ever recall discriminating against me
for being MBD or even being interested if I am.

A few others wanted to know if I have enough money to piss out the
other side of the place and not come in to leech, and the Israel
occupiers of Palestinian land, for me also the Realm of Barbed Wire,
even wanted around 40 shekel so that I could get out of the place,
else I would have had to stay.

Maybe if there was more living in natural harmony 
and there'd be more peace made and the cultures woul appreciate each
other more who share land, it might make a difference.

In the USA I also noticed that travelling other places seemed pretty
low compared here to Europe.

Which I found rather strange, as it did just seem to take to learn one
language and not that much money comparaed to some travelling prices
within Europe to get all the way down to Fireland and meet so many
cultures and so much fascinating magic knowledge.

And drug education seemed real low in the USA, at least in the time
when I was there. There did not seem much serious interest in the
education system for a half-way decent drug education.

I also notice that in this room here, which makes me believe that drug
education also in advanced levels can't be far.

Some of the potentials of some of the most powerful sense enhancers
are not understood.
Four of the best drugs I know within mental healing seem not
understood in their potential, and instead I read horrible stuff about
drugging people several days in a row or even longer, about mixing
drugs for days in a row or longer, about dangerous destabilizing and
potential killer drugs like prozac still being in use as if the long
list of deaths that were caused with it were not sufficient yet,
and about totally gross stuff like people who messed up in healing,
then drugged others for days in a row or longer messing up natural
balances they did not even understand, in the end crowning their
inability with causing damages to the frontal lobes (!!!) up to
epileptic overload on top of all the damages that they left with

But I guess some places get what they deserve.

>> I doubt that bouddhist scientists,for example,would ever have invented this
>> typically protestant notion of "drug" and "drug addiction".

>Tell me all about Buddhist science.

I am not sure if there is there is that much to tell and not a lot to
learn oneself.

Maybe I am babbling nonsense, but in some story I read Siddhartha was
some rich family's son and got bored and then went out seeking,
imitating the style of life of different extremists.

But he did not know what he was seeking, and so it was hard for him to
becomne content.

However he gathered a lot of knowledge.

In the story I read that might have been pretty wrong he found peace
working with a ferry man working at a river.

He is said to have reached enlightenment.

Enlightenment by many is valued as one of THE ways to gain knowledge,
In order to understand Buddhist scire, I guess that it is very
improtant to understand enlightenment.

If you have reached enlightenment, why should you take many drugs?

With many drugs might that not spoil part of it?

Also the aims within Buddhism to me seemed to be to become a Buddha.

Maybe if it were not Christianity, Titlel-ianity, but orientations
would be to have the energy powers of Jesus, help blind people to see
or "see", heal, try to love or do love others like oneself, and so on,
and when getting far there reaching the acknowledged title Christ that
would make things different for some as well.

>> Our judeo-christian societies have been very keen at Inquisition 
I did not hear that the Jews were participating in the Inquisition.
Also there are very different Christian branches.
You might be generalizing a lot. 

>>and trying to,authoritarily,control the mind and the behaviour of others.
Let me guess, in China, Korea, Russia and many Arab and other places
such would be unthinkable?

To be more precise nearly anywhere where the Homo SAPIENS is?

>> on how human beings enjoy
>> controlling other human beings,inquisitional behaviours are not extinct.

You seem to use third emotion generator programs as if they were part
of the Inquisition.

The other way around sounds more correct to me.

People did not try to dominate other people just since the Vatican
started Inquisition murders and forbade to use the senses part of
which Jesus used, to make themselves seem of some god.

>> The Spanish Inquisition tracked the devilry(diablerie)in a concept called
>> "witch".
>> The Nazi Inquisition tracked devilry in a concept called "Jew".

You are confusing  a few thingies here.

Merseburgische Zaubersprueche: ... thu bigol in  Freya...
Thu bigol in Wotan, wola here konda....

Those of the religion before here in the legends are said to have left
in the new priests of Jesus with quite some tolerance as here in the
lands where Mondays is carrying moon in the name there were many gods,
and one or some more or less might have even been there due to
regional differences already, so that did not matter that much.

Here the preachers of the religion before where said to be like
shamans, the magic researcher, physical and mental healer, and
religious leader of the tribe, the equivalent of todays university
back then.

They were said to have gotten far enough in magic, that if you killed
them because they did not leave off the old gods and did not
force-convert to the new, that  if you did not burn them that some had
the power to take you along.

The terms Second Face and Third Eye I heard were not just used here
but so many other  places,  that  they did not sound like recent but
like old skills. 

Also magically moving around on objects and telepathic animal  contact
are mentioned so often in tales, though I do not know if they really
got that far.

I heard, that Jewish people here due to old law could not become
members of the guilds, but had access to money jobs that at times were
not liked, so that it came to profession and income differences, that
also possibly had to do with educational differences.

There were communists, Roma and Sinti killed as well.

(I heard my greatgrandmother had their place often searched because
her husband was SPD, who died shortly after release from prison.)

I am nor sure of they were that picky.

Devil here means Teufel, and I heard that there there is a regional
slang where Teufe means Tiefe = depth.

Another slang term is Deibel.

Like a short of depth-el, devil.

It is a legend figure.

It is of the Bible Lore.

The one to do Bible Lore I was not could not be tracked to the source
of the legend.

I was told as a child that he is Lucifer, the Angel and Being of Light
and Energy, creating without heeding if that what he created is in
harmony with the rest, which is evil and for that he is excluded of
the rest.

Here he seemed of a Lore were in the Youngest Judgement it is decided,
if Earth has followed the ideal of Paradise, where those who are in it
are communicating with each other and are living in harmony 
or if they follow the evil of creating without heeding if what they
are creating is in harmony with the rest.

Other magician healers and priests were and are said in many old
traditions usually to be communicators to others in space or/and their
energies here, and are often what here some might call broadband
perceivers and senders, and for them often there is something sacred
to those they are communication with.
Also as mental healers many had to have a certain balance as upion
their bealance the balance of the tribe could depend to quite some

Those of the Bible religions apart from Jesus seemed not to use magic
and did not have the same healer function, and therefore maybe there
were other regulation systems used to ensure that like others balance
was sought, so that not some day some idiots not understanding enough
about akasha balances will mess up too many harmonies that are having
effects upon others and will prefer our disturbing removed and decide
in a Youngest Judgement that.

I have no idea what devil version the Spanish have, if it is a mix
between Pan and Herne and meaning someone from the depths or if it is
Lucifer, the Light Angel, or another Lore cycle entirely.

The senses that the Vatican forbade are a gateway to magic.

It is easier to understand an angel of light, a being of energy if you
are able to "see" magically.

There are enough that were said to have put severe moral development
tasks to their students to make sure that there'd not be evil
magicians from their rows.
The temptations of power are immense.

Where the highest magical powers are rumoured to be of Earth here,
there are also rumoured to be the most strict magic moral educations.

If you are mixing the devil and witches and the Inquisition, that to
me is sounding like you are not understanding religions before here in
Europe and of what believe many of the healers here were, who wrote
the history books here, what practicers of magic, Jesus, Christian
priests, the Vatican and the Inquisition are to do with each other
nor much thinking about the devil nor definitions which lore you are
referring to.

>> The new "Drug Gestapo" is tracking devilry within the very fabric of our own
>> synapses through a concept called the "drug addict" and a molecule called
>> "dopamine".

In what on the black market is that (if in anything)?
What are the forms of the addiction dangers?
Side effects?
Where in the brain is that having what effects?

>Then why is it that drug heads, as a rule, can't get anything done????   
I know some who do get stuff done of the  form you mean and others get
other stuff done, like one guy was the person where I would not mind a
camera on his shoulder and get a week summoned up of his life to watch
as a show that would interest me more than a lot of other stuff,
as from when I met him when he had come by bicycle from Berlin to
Cairo till where we parted in Zaire I had gotten some fascinating
enough impressions of his life.
There are people who are quite content to on and off do some odd jobs,
and travel the world.
A friend of mine has been to Australia, South America, Northern
America and different places in Europe, and often is off for many
Others that age have worked ten years in some job in the morning, in
the afternoon cared for their children, in the evening had arguments
with their husband or were or are abused by him, maybe worried over
some house to pay off, and what they want to see of they world they
might have to press into a few weeks of holidays.

>There are a few exceptions, but imagine how much they could get done if they were not on
Two divorces, three children, many less experiences, and a car and
house to pay off, to then be grounded there with whatever is left of
the family after the next divorce?

Or maybe 25 years in a factory at some few machines making the same
moves all over again or folding towels in the towel department or
having someone to tell you what to do and really like to stick him
into something gross while telling him what you are exactly thinking
of him and his assumed ancestors, be not in daylight in artificial
room many hours a day, get up in the morning at the ring of an alarm
clock and not with the sun or when you feel  like it,
maybe starting the morning straight with some drug like tea or coffee
because you did not get enough sleep again getting according moods...?

Maybe the question is also in the technical age where entire factories
might run with just few people needed what "getting done" is for

My oldest friend got killed by the driver of a car, and she had been
studying hard and was not that far from finishing.

What has she gotten done?

>Then there is the set of those who are self medicating their mental

Hey, that sounds neat. 
I am already feeling real horrific ill at the sound of the concept.
Any place where I can get different sorts of LSD, mesc, chicken-trips,
a load of internal transmitters and hormones and all remaining well
steerable sense enhancers not too hard on the kidneys and some other
loads or orders?
Is it possible to supply for really ill friends, best by the kilo?

I am sure that some of them are feeling to suffer so bad from their
mental illness, that they would not mind to cue up straight in front
of the procuding factories with buckets for the pills and vans to
transport them  and for new orders recipies from the Netherlands
rattled out of their printer in the wind stretching out a mile behind


>> Without dopamine,never we could maintain our structure because we would lose
>> motivation.

Is it possible to take the stuff pure?   
What does it do, and how fast do what own balances alter and what is
the withdrawal like?

>>We would stop acting in exoreality and become zombies.
I believe that most are already living outside reality and maybe it is
good that no one checks how many of those around are already zombies.

>> Attacking dopamine is like trying to lobotomise people because dopamine is the
>> ESSENCE of an animal WILL to fight for SURVIVAL.
And who is wanting to attack your natural levels?
For the rest if the stuff is something you want, who cares which
body-claimer wants what?

Somehow so far with most stuff if I really wanted it bad I did
discover some country with some places who had it.

For mesc I went to Mexico and picked it where it grew as here it
seemed too unlikely to pop up.

>> The Dopamine Inquisitors are the most dangerous Inquisitors ever because,if
>> they succeeded in their monstruous quest,it would mean that mankind would be
>> dispossed of this very molecule which induces Resistance to Tyranny.

You make me real curious, as I have trouble imagining that.
Do you kow where one can get the stuff or could you send me a few?

Would like to try that stuff sober and on LSD.

Would you say that in a male it is effecting testosterone levels and
DHEA levels  or not?

>> No external self-proclaimed "authority" has the right to manipulate our
>> dopamine activity.
>> This is a basic freedom which ought to be put in the Declaration of the Rights
>> of Man.

Fine, in the Declaration of Social Individualism of Woman
the basic right is that the own body & brain are own possession with
no one having more or the same possession rights.

Plus maybe that subatomically all unnatural intrusions not wished can
be treated as an attack, with the exception of amulance and fire or
urgent natural catastrophy calls.

>Problem is that so many types of drug heads impinge upon the rights of others and
>their pursuit of happiness, especially when they pick the types of drugs that
>enhance behavior problems.  And like Bubba Bill, they are too self centered to
>realize this or care about it.

Oddly enough all long term LSD takers I met so far were not persons
where I'd be worried much if the world would be full of them.

Might be the the time where I might sleep under the stars the main
worry maybe being  that rain might come.

I regard it the other way around. Many types of non drug heads impinge
upon the freedom of others and their pursuit of happiness.
And many of them are too self centered to realized or care about it.
Yet it is the sort of self centeredness where the person does not
really know much about themselves, and because they are not
understanding the bases of their own mind well, they are not that good
in understanding others.
You do not take LSD long  usually if you are mentally too imbalanced.
LSD is a drug that I have seen feared by people who took loads of
other drugs. I only know very few people who took LSD more often than
a few dozen times.

Most I met did not take it more often than seven times.

I have the opposite opinion that people who took a drug like LSD often
are unlikely to have done so without having before or while at it
reached a certain inner stability. And maybe more like that.
I met a man in a train station in the Netherlands with a face where
the eyes looked as if someone had catapulted him within a few years
ahead in wisdom and were not fitting to the face, and had what for me
is the LSD eg.1 heightening in it.

I said to him that he had taken LSD in his life, and he confirmed that
he had done so a lot earlier. 

I already find the eyes saying a lot.

For example mesc.

Which ones do you folks find the most fascinating "drug eyes" and why?

>Hoosier Pharmer,
>standing in for Atilla the Hun ;-)
Now, Attila the Hun, that is what I call drug free diligent work.
That is nearly as decent a job as working in a tax office or in the
goverment or throwing bombs on Baghdad.
We druggies should really take an example and learn from the decent
Maybe I should cut arms off apes and watch if something grows in their
brain or slice pieces of a cat's brain or become a torturer in some
prison where there is a lot of work to busy myself with, or I guess I
could just become a teacher and tell little children that they are of
the First World, and that Alexancer was Great, that Charles was Great,
that it was not the own knowledge of thousands of years burned but
just some witches and that the priests of the religion before simply
vanished, that children are just having five senses, and who says he
has more can get drugged from Frankenstein and if that does not help
get his brain electro-fried till he jerks around. Guess becoming
psychiatrist would be a neat job, too.

I could forget about thousands and thousands of emotions and energy
ranges, how the psyche and the brain are working is becoming nearly
irrelevant apart from the stuff Westie neuro is into,
if I am in a hurry I can abbreviate it to the conscious and the
subconscious or the Ich, Ueber-Ich und Es.
Then I just learn about junkying around in others and some other stuff
that is needed, for finishing work I take some brain internal sights
that the neuro-shrinks should get at within the next years, too, and
make it like some theory as if I was like them utterly headblind and
had been so all my life.

Guess in some years when they should fall over it anyway one could
tell them a bit more about some I area stuff that they seem to know
nothing about so far in case I still then recall, or if I forgot just
find out what they want to know and if it is in any area that I can
access or transvibe myself from another brainsurfer.

When I am finished I can also forget about magic transfers between
brains, then instead of energy self regulation training and maybe
healer training for the people hallucinating who seem suited for that
or an amulet for the cortisol levels of those where logic seems in
vain  all can be replaced with pills and other stuff into the filter
organs and areas of the brain, and advice and eg. reprogramming with
letting the other one dig up his stuff without giving advice, telling
him he should find the solution, so that while he talks to me I can
write down my shopping list and tell him to come back not when he
feels worst but next week at eleven when the sun is shining.
Then I hook him to a few drugs, and change those on and off, and
preferably recombine.
Guess I'd have to see to that eg.1 programs get at least nearly as
warped as with prozac that  should see to remain there, and then some
stuff that makes the person addicted  enough that they'll contemplate
well if they really want to withdraw the stuff.

With some good luck they even still have stuff around where
irreversible effects can't be excluded.

Guess there'd be a lot of ignoring inner eg. programs and categorizing
by outer common signs to learn, a pile of transmitters and chemical
stuff so that some day I can make brew my stuff myself better and
maybe a load of other stuff, 
of maybe quite different stuff, but it should not be that hard to get
such a decent job.

And first of all I get myself a fryer, so that in case I fail too bad
I fry the front computer in the right places and in the right way.

Just need to damage the front computer well enough and the patient
sheep, excuse me, I meant the patient should be reduced a little more
in thinking capacities to sheep and hopefully be less critical,
and also not ask anyone to check his kidneys when he croaks or his

Maybe he even gives them for donation for another one to maybe have
loads of his eg.levels catapulting out of balances, heehee.

Yeah, that sounds like a job I could really enjoy.
I couold live a so beautifully drug free live with such a beautiful
job, and be working like decent folks should.

I am already looking forward to the frying  part when I can maybe get
them to twitch around to make up for me not being good in healing.

What a great idea.

Actually neuroshrink would even have the advantage, that I can also
torture loads of people of other races in extra cages,
and when there are no human mammals to fry till the damages make the
twitch, I could take people of other mammal races and continue there.

All of course just in the name of science.

Of course.

I guess that with the other  mammals I could also disguise as epilepsy
research for those who do not go where there are as little artificial
ranges as possible.

Then I could have different sorts of twitching ones, depending on my
moods. And human test guineas.

And once I stacked up a row of titles and brabbled some many years old
brainsurfer data for that by then they are far enough  off as new
theories to some science papers whose weird language I'd  then know,
so I can drop a ton of peers reviews of headblinds onto anyone's foot
and keep him busy there for a while, especially if I should manage to
improve my English to the point to turn real simple stuff that within
LSD teaching would not have taken me two hours to explain and
magically transfer, to neverending lengthes of complicated wordies.

If I have a day where I am not too much on the autistic side I guess I
could even check with my systems if they are up for going to visit the
Frankenstein arena of human and other mammal mutilation orgiastic
discussions and pretend to be a real decent hard working neuroshrink.

We could exchange new ways to maim the brain in case we messed up as
healers, maybe discuss changing drugs a little so that different
sectors would be imbalanced,
and maybe some day we could straight discuss not just messing them up
with drugs, but amputating entire emotion sectors out and sticking
Borg - chips with neurons that are replaceable in.


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