It's all so-"interesting"

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Thu Jan 7 21:04:50 EST 1999

It's been my Sorrow to observe, despite all my efforts to draw all
Consequences to myself, folks establishing Verification of their
Knowledge, by using it to seek "profit".

"Profit, to hell with those who 'suffer greatly'"!

And, there it is... writ bold... the Great-Forsaking of Humanity by
"Humanity" that will be the Hallmark of these "modern times".

I've worked so hard to prevent such. Yet, there it is... the last gasp
of the "Beast", Ignorance, that has so-Ravaged Humanity since the

ken collins

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> You see, it's "just" that =nothing= can go-well if Truth is "moved away
> from".
> Yet, look and see, in this once-Great Nation, it's come to be that there
> exists very-little other than folks "moving away from" Truth.
> The result, with Certainty, is dis-integration... instead of climbing
> the energy gradient that is wdb2t, going with the flow of wdb2t... going
> to disorder.
> Look and see, your Children are the "canaries in the mine shaft". Look
> and See.
> Learn, now, how to Love and Guide them to Truth. K. P. Collins
> kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> >
> > I've defined my usage repeatedly, Mr. Frank, and I stand on what I've
> > posted.
> >
> > It's all so Sorrowfully interesting. There're folks here in
> > bionet.neuroscience, including you, who are endeavoring to transform
> > what I do.
> >
> > It's unnecessary, because, if no one wants to receive the stuff of my
> > posts, I can do nothing beyond that, except look for another means to
> > try to reach the folks who Suffer Greatly be-cause the understanding has
> > been withheld from them... you know, the next "Watts", the next
> > "Yugoslavia", the next "ethnic" Massacre... the Lives Wasted, and all
> > the Burdens that Wasted Lives impose upon any Society.
> >
> > Folks here in bionet.neuroscience have been "toying" with the dynamics
> > of communication with respect to such. It's all so interesting.
> >
> > I have to admit, the whole "internet" is "interesting", "two". I've been
> > looking around for databases. I've not been able to find a single
> > actually-useful online database. All the databases I've found are just
> > superficial front-ends to nothingness. It's all so "interesting".
> >
> > It's like some sort of weird virtual "reality"... like a fantasy movie.
> >
> > Disagree?
> >
> > Show me [anyone] a useful online database on the "internet".
> >
> > Seems to me it's all "just" one big-Deception, in which folks're being
> > fed a Calculated "line" of B. S.
> >
> > But then, I did get "233.78", and ~69, off the "internet" today. Be
> > pretty hard to misrepresent such, with the numbers coming out in the
> > papers in the morning, and all.
> >
> > It's "just" so "interesting", though... it's as if all the data that
> > used to be available for DL has "evaporated"... all that's left is
> > superficial nothingness... and myriad ways to use one's credit card.
> >
> > [Why was I looking for data? There's a perfect correlation between
> > "stock market" performance and my posts since 12Oct98. I understand that
> > very few will just take my word for that, so I was looking to compile
> > the data, and offer it to anyone who'd want to look and see. It
> > constitutes Proof of a whole realm of things that are in the stuff I've
> > been discussing. It constitutes Proof that folks across the Nation (and
> > beyond) are actively participating in what's going on here in
> > bionet.neuroscience. It's all so "interesting"... but there's no data to
> > DL, which is "interesting", "two".]
> >
> > You can give up on thinking you can "transform" anything, Mr. Frank. I
> > gave you the benefit of the doubt until I came across a msg of yours,
> > months back in another Newsgroup, berating some poster's discussion with
> > comments likening it to "rat shit"... I couldn't take anything you've
> > posted seriously after that (although, I did try once).
> >
> > So, what's your point?
> >
> > Why do you, or anyone else, think I eschewed "reward". I explained
> > early-on, one's voice is much more Precious than "reward"-stuff. Why?
> > I've nothing to lose, so there're no "handles" on my person... so folks
> > have nothing to grab in efforts to "steer" me.
> >
> > Yeah, words, once posted, just sit-there, sucking in any, and all,
> > "addendums" that are attached to them. Other than pointing out what's
> > going on, there's nothing I can do with respect to such, except pick up
> > the pieces, and begin again. The work, inherent, is not very inviting,
> > but I've this thing about not giving-up on the Children.
> >
> > But isn't it a Waste to elevate comments, such as yours, with long
> > discussion?
> >
> > Yes.
> >
> > But there's a meta-thing occuring. Perhaps others find such interesting,
> > also?
> >
> > It's all so "interesting". I came here with simple, but Awesome, Truth.
> > Yet, all this B. S. has "greeted" it... it's all so "interesting".
> >
> > K. P. Collins
> > > [...]

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