It's all so-"interesting"

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net kkollins at pop3.concentric.net
Fri Jan 8 18:54:03 EST 1999

In case anyone's interested, BTW, my disclosure that I've been doing
this analysis, last night, alters the parameters of the analysis. Today
Disclosed "only" more.

It's all wdb2t, around which there is no way.

The Fraud is Big-Time.

K. P. Collins

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> All the "databases" that I've come across have front-ends that govern
> one's interaction with the daata, typically, requiring one to iterate
> individual data requests which give little snippets, pre-digested by the
> front-end, and, therefore, rendering the "data" next to worthless.
> A "database" is the raw data, sans any front-ended "slants", or any
> other unnecessary interference.
> Last time I was online, a couple of years back, I had no trouble
> locating raw data.
> You're correct in your analysis of my prior post. I haven't tried all
> that hard. There doesn't seem to be any worth in doing the work
> inherent. Anything I'd do would just get "borrowed", ain't it so, Dag?
> I stand on my assertion that there's a "Perfect Correlation".
> Dag, I've worked hard. The research I've done, and made available to
> folks, gratis, is carrying the whole U. S. Economy on its back.
> "Everyone" enjoys that, but no one will, simply, give the understanding
> to those on whse behalves it was done.
> Yet, here in the United States of America, it's all the "vogue" for
> folks to deny they've any Prejudice.
> Your off-the-cuff remarks, although correct with respect to the measure
> of my "heart", these days, miss the whole thing, don't they?
> It's all so "interesting". ken collins
> dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi wrote:
> >
> > kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> > > But then, I did get "233.78", and ~69, off the "internet" today. Be
> > > pretty hard to misrepresent such, with the numbers coming out in the
> > > papers in the morning, and all.
> > > It's "just" so "interesting", though... it's as if all the data that
> > > used to be available for DL has "evaporated"... all that's left is
> > > superficial nothingness... and myriad ways to use one's credit card.
> >
> > > [Why was I looking for data? There's a perfect correlation between
> > > "stock market" performance and my posts since 12Oct98. I understand that
> > > very few will just take my word for that, so I was looking to compile
> > > the data, and offer it to anyone who'd want to look and see. It
> > > constitutes Proof ....
> >
> > I might agree that this constitutes proof of something.
> >
> > Dag Stenberg

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