Werdnig-Hoffman Syndrome, SMA type1

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 7 16:27:00 EST 1999

>Does anyone know of any advanced research that's being done in this field?


If you get someone who can do (magic) "seeing" to do so with the baby
(magic reference: sleep-dreaming: occiptal cortex energies: link to
the outside to play around with own and that brain energy carefully
behind the head outisde close halo range?) often enough before the
axon flowering time is over, maybe some stuff will be kept that is
important, but I do  not believe that that would stop a lot of what
you said, including the possible future respiration problem. 
According to my limited experience only structures can be compensated
for a little that seem not too damaged, but not real damaged stuff.

But I have no idea what shamans are up to in such stuff.

Also I do not know about babies with such.

If you go for that, do not hope too much from it.

And I do not know if it is right, because then some older ones are
said to spook around for a while if they get far enough before so that
the axons do not matter so much and they learn to astral out the field
connection cohesion whatever-them-neuros-call-a-ghost here in this


Something different. Forget who it was, but believe was a woman
thinking about her dead husband, who said something like
that is was beautiful to have had that time with him.

I thought about how most people might complain that what they had they
have no more, instead of enjoying that they had it in the first place.

Found such a very different attitude fascinating.

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