Brain Use/40 hertz

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 7 16:28:21 EST 1999

>.. I've never once heard another card-carrying neuroscientist say anything like this.
They make it up with some other stuff...

>I wonder where this idea comes from in the first place? 
MAYBE people changing something in the recording system in the front
or altering structures so that they were to learn something ten times
faster or do something ten  times better, and figuring that therefore
only a tenth was used.

What sort of_experiment_ could you do to figure out what fraction of
the brain is being used (and you'd also have to have a very precise
definition of "being used": just because a cell isn't firing an action
potential doesn't mean it's not being used)?

Not smoke THC for long, then overdose it together with stuff of a
cigarette and when fainting staying awake, and trying to get the hang
of what's up inside.

(That was not serious.)

...Yeah, the definition bit is correct.

The sequencer usually uses my eyes, sometimes I use them, once someone
else very shortly used them to quite an extent, though I using  them
along, too, rather passively.

That's three different users.

>I think we use our whole brain all the time. 

If one day you learn it, shortly "see" into the brain of someone in
deep sleep who consented to that, and watch response and then you will
notice something...

Also define "we".

"I myself" do not.

>I think it is plausible that most of us use only a fraction
>of our brain's capacity.

Shall I trigger nature programs all the time in the concrete jungle
with the forest quite a bit off, where then a few sorts of trees grow
in rows?

Or loads of old security programs while lazying with friends?

Or try to get at under water programs while the sequencer drives the

Mayhap I am not even interested in using loads of programs where I
know that they are there.

Also if you advance a little in internal use of areas of the brain you
might notice that for  some alterations there might be a very high

And in this room I better do not even list what I believe about
emotion generator subprogram alterations when shunting my systems back
to older functions and for magic, nor longer contemplations about
attitudes of folks who seem to do such a lot in Asia and  what I seem
to observe there warningly, nor go off much about that that load of
cells does not feel to have been in neocortex areas from whenever the
programs I use there are from nor some other magic related stuff.

There is a load of capacities that normally I do not use, and on stuff
like LSD I get another load of capacities on top where a lot I do tend
to use either or only in exceptions (like doing psyche balancing stuff
in special cases; sucks quite a bit, like a balance act between autism
to get at subdata and being human to within many seconds to some
minutes be able to talk).   There is a lot of stuff that is possible,
it's just questionable with a lot why one should use the according

Or in other words what good is to to use my forest food smell and
taste senses if I go shopping in Aldi.

That stuff is meant to put enough conserving stuff into you that if
you live from it you'll look better conserved in 4000 years than some
of the pharao mummies. 
And it and often smells and tastes accordingly.

So what do I need to attempt to trigger smell and taste on forest
survival capacities when eating that?

Or if I eat bread in Egypt or some other suspicious foods, why should
I use my frontal capacities to contemplate what way that might have
gone to arrive now in my mouth?

>Even if no area of the brain is "dormant"
Apart from pointing out obvious dormant times in sleep  
I'd rather not comment on that.

>, and all neurons get regular workouts,
Yep, I guess you have some neuron gym, where you kick out the glia,
and then do exercising for all sectors, to keep numbers and net
structures in certain ways and the transmitter levels and other stuff
at certain fitness...

>there can still be vast unused synaptic capacity. 
(Apart from the "7th sense"...)  What is that supposed to mean?

>Vast numbers of possible memories, represented by
>combinatorial activation of sets of neurons, just never become

Which sets WHERE?
For which sorts of memories?

And would you mind to extrapolate about that activation?

>I think we could all stuff in many more memories. 

Maybe discuss your we with someone with Alzheimer?

(Why is it that I somehow find someone WEing talking about memories
with sets of undifferentiated neurons 
instead of locations, sorts of data and subatomic and maybe chemical
correlations mentionings 
suspicious ...?)

>It's just not essential for most people's lives.  Watching a concert
>pianist always leaves me in awe of the learning capacity of
>the human brain -- Mark

Must be a barbarian, as they often did not leave me that awed,
though some folks sitting down and just making up pieces of music,
maybe even songs with texts that might even be quite good and rhyme at
times, did.

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