It's all so-"interesting"

dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi dag.stenberg at helsinki.nospam.fi
Fri Jan 8 02:55:18 EST 1999

kkollins at pop3.concentric.net wrote:
> But then, I did get "233.78", and ~69, off the "internet" today. Be
> pretty hard to misrepresent such, with the numbers coming out in the
> papers in the morning, and all.
> It's "just" so "interesting", though... it's as if all the data that
> used to be available for DL has "evaporated"... all that's left is
> superficial nothingness... and myriad ways to use one's credit card.

> [Why was I looking for data? There's a perfect correlation between
> "stock market" performance and my posts since 12Oct98. I understand that
> very few will just take my word for that, so I was looking to compile
> the data, and offer it to anyone who'd want to look and see. It
> constitutes Proof ....

I might agree that this constitutes proof of something.

Dag Stenberg

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