pdaimind simulation of neurons in mindcore array psi{ }

Cijadrachon cijadra at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 7 16:29:05 EST 1999

mentifex at scn.org (Mentifex) wrote:

>that all interested parties may determine whether or not the mind
>in question is indeed a mind

If you would look around on Earth you might have noticed that there
are many humans are treating people of other races as possessions,
that with many fish where the discerning might be not as easy there is
no central attempt done to categorize if it is a bunch of swimming
programs, a person or in an in between stage, 
and the same goes for a number of others.

It has recently been stated here that mind has not been officially
defined within neurology.

I assume that reports about many humans in poverty in Mexico or even
worse in many other places are not a secret.

I keep finding it remarkable that your first question is not if all
humans of Earth (and maybe others) agree with the building of an
artificial mind, and that the second question is not if you might not
make mistakes and if you are really far enough that the other one will
be O.K.
The next question is if you create someone or many how you make it
that correlations between the alive folks and the artificial folks are
aiming at evenness and peaceful cooperation.

I also do not understand why you are wishing to pick this point, where
"averaged" humanity of Earth is very simplified following the symbol
of Lucifer creating without bothering if what he created was in
harmony with the rest.

If this was my decision I'd want the human population down over the
generations and all other people of other races getting far enough
asked to watch, too, that there is enough for all and more to come,
most of Earth returned to nature, more care of what goes between
rather segrated areas (comapare past of Australia and Madagaska and
some other islands) awareness to disturb Earth harmonies and galactic
harmonies as little as possible, a special education system towards
Social Individualism, programs till humanity is far enough and
provisions for old people in places who so far depend on getting
enough children, more care for children without parents or someone
like that caring for them, children belonging to no one and being
regarded as the future of humanity and humanity being responsible for
them, comparison of data about others from space,
seeking understanding from them about the building of artificial life
forms and if they are artificial life or if they are expansions of
bio-beings who build such energy beings and use cybermagic and are
sort of a distant unit,

and then MAYBE some day here a being build similar to the model I once
made when I made a bit fun of you, straight based on energies, and so
that the humans of Earth into magic and that one have a lot of docking
capacities, and then ask it if it would mind to construct the next and
that the next and that together we might extend gingerly more out into
universe, too, if we are far enough to know enough not to disturb
harmonies there.

So that we can be here and link across space as others are said to do
to here.

When they are understanding that we are heeding the balance laws and
are simply curious and ways out of the Homo Rocket Chimp Lucifering
Ages then we might get at interesting data, which might even be mroe
billions of years or galazy cluster turns ahead than I can imagine,
and that is a way that I believe that the future could be nice.

Your way I find egocentric, and more seeming to aim at the path some
ego-nerd out for finding out if he can build another would go and not
caring how many humans drop dead in that time for money he is
investing there,
nor seeking the permit of all of Earth as you seem to just to see
and not out for an Earth with a future where the races can live in
harmony and where other beings built would like parts of a telepathic
community, but some slaves to abuse.

That is also why I did not tell you more about that AI dream you are

> of the mindcore array psi{ };

A better name than that esoteric sounding one I guess was not

I am sure that the folks using psi as a term will be delighted if you
insist upon phexing their term.


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