newbie request

Richard Norman rsnorman at mw.mediaone.net
Sat Jan 9 09:30:26 EST 1999

"Modern" thinking about development includes the notion
that you grow all kinds of cells or, in the case of the nervous
sytem, connections between the cells, and then "sculpt away"
the ones you don't want to keep, or that don't contribute properly
to the functionality of the overall system.  That is, instead of
selectively forming connections, you randomly form connections
and selectively destroy the unwanted ones.

Eliminated whole cells usually involves the phenomenon of
apoptosis, or "programmed cell death".   I am not sure how
much is know about the mechanism of selective synaptic
degeneration.  But check any modern text on neurobiology
for background and references.

Roberto Colmegna wrote in message
<36975dcb.1441165 at news.interbusiness.it>...
>I readed that a young man have a lot of sinapses
>which collapse during the firs year of life.
>Is know "why" these sinapses collapses?
>Is know what is the mechanis which conduce to this
>Have youn any site which i can see about this
>(where can i find NG FAQ ?)
>Thanks in advance
>(please e.mail reply too)
>Roberto C. - roberto2312 at hotmail.com

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