newbie request

Matt Jones jonesmat at ohsu.edu
Sat Jan 9 14:03:01 EST 1999

In article <777qba$rvc$1 at denws02.mw.mediaone.net> Richard Norman,
rsnorman at mw.mediaone.net writes:
>Eliminated whole cells usually involves the phenomenon of
>apoptosis, or "programmed cell death".   I am not sure how
>much is know about the mechanism of selective synaptic
>degeneration.  But check any modern text on neurobiology
>for background and references.

The following URL is always a good place to search for biomedical


If you do a search for "constantine-paton", you will find a lot of papers
on reorganization of synapses during development, which will reference
papers by other authors, etc.


Matt Jones

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