1999 Santa Fe Science Writing Workshop

George Johnson forpostingonly at ibm.net
Sat Jan 9 18:35:46 EST 1999

The fourth annual Santa Fe Science-Writing Workshop will begin Saturday
evening, June 19, and run through Thursday morning, June 24, at Plaza
Resolana in downtown Santa Fe. This year's faculty will include Laurie
Garrett, Pulitzer-prize-winning reporter for Newsday and author of The
Coming Plague : Newly Emerging Diseases in a World Out of Balance, Richard
Harris, science reporter for National Public Radio, and Dennis Overbye,
deputy science editor for The New York Times and author of
Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos. Classes will also be taught by the originators
of the workshop, George Johnson, science correspondent for The New York
Times and author of Fire in the Mind: Science,
Faith, and the Search for Order, and Sandra Blakeslee, science
correspondent for The New York Times and coauthor, with V. S. Ramachandran,
of Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of
the Human Mind. 

Please see our web site, http://sciwrite.org, for further details and use
the email addresses there to request information.

George Johnson
johnson AT nytimes DOT com

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