Michael Edelman wrote:
> Cap'n wrote:
> > kcarmstron at coastnet.com says...
> > >
> > >What is "zero point energy"
> >
> > Energy that is extracted from a vacuum.
> >
>> More specifically, it refers to the idea that it may be
> possible to extract energy from the quantum fluctuations in a
> vacuum.
>>> There are those who think it's possible to extract energy from
> this force, and a number of crackpots and charletans like
> Puthoff are pushing it as a source of free energy.
Right you are Michael, some of these bozzos even thinkthat there
might be inter-relations with gravity and or
inertia when extracting energy from the ZPE, Aether, etc.
Some, even suggest that the physics of extracting energy
from the ZPE or Aether, has been working and under
development since before the mid part of this century, and
is responsible for much (but not all) of the UFO phenomena.
Good thing we have good ole Mr. ET to blame for disc-shaped
(and other shaped) non-winged, non-conventional, flying
vehicles (besides the denial of the existence of such crafts of course)!
> Most
> physicists have their doubts, since the force is a one-way
> gradient, like gravity.
Why do you suggest that the ZPE is a one way gradient?I see it as a
two-way flow of energy (or charge, etc.).
According to QED, a cloud of "Virtual Photons" manifests
around an induced or manifested *charge*. It has been suggested
that this "cloud of virtual photons" -IS- the electric field. It has
also been suggested by "most physicsts" that this cloud of "virtual
photons" actually comes from *nowhere*. It has been stated that
*charge* - is the ability to create, induce, or manifest "virtual
photons". Do you subscribe to these mainstream beliefs Michael?
Where do you think the "virtual photons" that surround an induced
charge come from?
Finally, how dare someone like Harold Puthoff, Floyd Sweet, John
Peirre Sinclaire, Joseph Newman, Henry Moray, Hans Coler, etc. (to
a few) have the audacity to suggest that the ZPE or Aether can be
tapped for it's energy? Don't they have any respect for mainstream
Do you think they thought through the socioeconomic implications of
tapping the ZPE/Aether for electrical power generation?? Do you think
actually pondered creating devices that would produce virtually FREE
for households and businesses? Don't they reailize what this would do to
worlds economy, and especially those who make a buck or two from fossil
fuels? Do you think these "crackpots and charletans" gave any thought
the weapons applications of such devices, and the need for national
regarding the classified nature of such scientific possiblities?
Well, I for one find such lack of regard for mainstream science
quite appalling. I think we all should be happy buying and using
fossil fuels and nuclear fuels for energy and power. Using the
ZPE/Aether as a fuel source is not in the (and may never be in)
the current realm of dislcosed phyiscs. Plus, don't we all feel
obligated to keep the arabs and oil companies in business, they
*need* our money!
For those interested in further reading of ZPE, Ather, etc. try:
Kind Regards
Don Palermo